Warmists just being unhinged Warmists, as Common Dreams’ Kate Sheppard loses her mind
The Real War on Christmas: Climate Change
Every year we hear about some new front in the “War on Christmasâ€Â that liberals are supposedly waging against this most important of all Christian holidays. But an actual war on Christmas is coming—and it’s spurred by climate change. It’s a liberal conspiracy!
The summer drought caused many Christmas holiday tree seedlings in Tennessee to die this year, The Tennessean reports:
And, obviously, that drought is your fault for refusing to hand wash and line dry your clothes
The Department of Agriculture notes that this won’t really affect the trees people are buying this Christmas, since it takes trees six to seven years to get to an average height for holiday festivity status. But it will likely have an impact in a few years, when we’re all fighting over a few statuesque firs or stuffing presents under some puny Charlie Brown pine.

I have a place “Up North” in Michigan. It’s near the Mackinac Straits. As I drive the last 130 or so miles to get there I see little but millions of trees suitable for Christmas trees. I suspect she’s wrong. And there was no drought in Michigan this year, so the usual millions of new trees were planted and seem to be doing well.