Yesterday we learned that the Earth could become a drought world (unless you’re willing to be taxed and fee’d under the Paris climate agreement). Today we learn
CO2-induced permadrought update: Humans allegedly face a "waterlogged future"
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) January 3, 2018
Interestingly, before I started reading the article, the New Yorker gave me a pop-up ad to get me to subscribe as they’re “fighting fake stories with real ones.” Uh huh
Last June, not long after a catastrophic thunderstorm swept through southern Ontario, bringing a month’s worth of rain in just a few hours, a group of seventy-five architects, engineers, and policymakers from sixteen countries gathered in the city of Waterloo to discuss how humanity will cope with its waterlogged future. The timing of the conference was a fitting meteorological coincidence; in a world increasingly transformed by climate change, heavy rains and major floods are becoming more common, at least in some areas. In the summer of 2017 alone, Hurricane Harvey dumped more than fifty inches of rain over Texas, a monster monsoon season damaged more than eight hundred thousand homes in India, and flash floods and mudslides claimed at least five hundred lives in Sierra Leone. In the past two decades, the world’s ten worst floods have done more than a hundred and sixty-five billion dollars’ worth of damage and driven more than a billion people from their homes.
So, flood drought? Fortunately, the people invovled in this project are doing their part to bring about the permanent droughtflood world by flying all over the world to check out designs for floating homes.
English isn’t giving up. A few months after the conference, she flew to Vietnam, where she is designing two new amphibious houses that are slated to be built in January. She also has a grant from the National Research Council of Canada to begin developing guidelines for amphibious construction that the government can include in its official building code. English and other experts say that opinions about amphibious architecture are beginning to shift, especially as climate change makes innovative building solutions more urgent. “Usually, after a conference presentation, I’ll have people coming up to me and saying, ‘I’ve never heard of this before, this is such a great idea, how can I do this in my community?’ †English said. “People don’t laugh at me anymore.â€
Yes, I bet all the people out in the middle of America and Canada think this is awesome.

They probably do, sugartits, but only after you leave.
The ignorati denies global warming, blocking policies that would slow it, and then mock and ridicule those proposing strategies to adapt to warming. Cult.
The so-called “strategies” are made to be mocked and ridculed just like geniuses who propose them.
No policies to slow it because there’s no evidence it needs to be slowed.