…are horrible carbon pollution clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is JoNova, with a post on the Sydney “hottest ever” mistake.

…are horrible carbon pollution clouds, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is JoNova, with a post on the Sydney “hottest ever” mistake.

tRump had a bad visit to the NCAA FB championship game in Georgia. An Alabama running back shouted “Fvck tRump!” at him. Crowds both outside and inside the stadium booed him intensely. In Georgia no less.
Finally, the Star Spangled president didn’t know the words of the National Anthem. I bet Colin Kaepernick knows all the words.
Uh huh…..
From the NYTImes, hardly a Trump supporter:
Most people can’t sing with those who stylize the national anthem.
So once again, a liberal’s fantasy world is invaded by truth.
Most people don’t even know there is more than one stanza.
Did you watch the proceedings in real time? I did. He was booed. And the Zac Brown band who sang the Anthem was cheered loudly. The difference was shocking.
Also, some vandal projected “Fvck Trvmp” on the side of the stadium in yuuuuuge letters. It was the bestest, greatest, biggest, most magnificent “fvck trvmp” of all time.
But then, only some 30% of right-wing faithful think this dottering old fool shuffling around our White House in a robe and slippers is doing even an adequate job. He should resign.
Little guy’s not delusional at all.
She is VERY yellow.
Conservative Ross Douthat discusses what we all recognize – that Mr. Trump is currently incapacitated to be President, but offers hope that those surrounding Mr. Trump (though unelected) will continue to run the Executive branch.
Mr. Trump has cut his already light schedule – he starts his day at 11 AM, has frequent scheduled periods of “executive time”, an hour for lunch, and wraps up between 4 and 6. He has 2 or 3 official events or meetings each day. He and the First Lady have separate quarters so he spends evenings alone with 3 TVs. We don’t have a president.
Of course Trump appears to be crazy to some people.
He is succeeding where their ideological base failed and failed miserably.
Economy? Back on track and growing.
Wages? Higher.
Housing market? Doing better.
Employment and wages for minorities? both up.
Regulations are down which means more companies are investing and growing.
So of course Trump is “crazy” to some people. He is getting things done and all the gloom and doom the liberals said would happen isn’t happening.
All the liberals have left is hate and delusion – if they had anything other than that before.
Ross Douthat is no liberal. The White House staff recognizes that Mr. Trump is incapacitated and bless them for doing their jobs and keeping America afloat.
Trump has not hurt the recovering economy yet, but his Fed is preparing to start systematically increasing interest rates to squelch the recovery. Why? Because wages are starting to creep up, unemployment is around 4%, and this all eats into corporation profits. The objective (never discussed) is to throw a few million out of work to make sure that inflation (now close to zero) doesn’t eat into the savings of the wealthy. The elites always sacrifice the working class to satisfy the needs of the political donor class. His jobs numbers are the worst since 2010.
Economics, like math, politics and science, are not your strong suit, little guy.
Confused much?
He is no staunch conservative either.
That “objective” is never discussed because it is not an objective.
It is amazing that someone thinks that the more people will be unemployed as more and more people want to work and are able to find work.
Under Obama, the US lost 1, 086,000 manufacturing jobs.
Under Trump, the US has gained 184.000
Under Obama, the US gained 45,000 federal employees.
Under Trump, there are 14,000 fewer federal employees.
Like I said, more black, more Hispanics working and at higher wages.
Liberals hate the idea of people working instead of demanding that the government take care of them.
Liberals hate the idea of economic freedom for all.