So, let’s see, we have tons of companies giving bonuses and stuff to their workers. Now this (via Twitchy)
Pepco says it will lower electric bills for almost 300,000 ratepayers in D.C., largely because its corporate tax rate was slashed from 35 to 21 percent in GOP tax bill.
— Martin Austermühle (@maustermuhle) January 9, 2018
Kinda the opposite of when Democrats raise taxes and the minimum wage: bad things happen. A good recent example is this piece from Canada.

Yep, nothing good for the little people will come from those evil corporate tax cuts.–gas-residential-electric-customer-after-closing-300576938.html
ZOMG!!!! Lower electric bills means people will use more which’ll increase global warming cooling climate change climate weirding hotcoldwetdry!!!!!!!
Horrors! Lowered power bills are the last thing the Warmunists want to see. I mean, what if that power was generated by coal?
Of course, utilities are heavily regulated, and Pepco might be trying to get ahead of the Public Service Commission, which could try to force even lower rates.