The City of Los Angeles proper is a rather large place. It encompasses 502 square miles, and has a population of almost 3.8 million. This requires a massive fleet of fossil fueled vehicles, from police vehicles to ambulances to fire trucks to helicopters to garbage trucks to buses to all sorts of other city owned vehicles. After that comes all the privately owned vehicles. And the multiple airports. And, of course, all the energy used to keep the city running. But, of course, climate signaling
(Patch) Four Los Angeles City Council members Friday called on the city to file a lawsuit against large oil companies and seek to hold them responsible for damage to the city from climate change.
The leaders signed a motion that was introduced and would direct City Attorney Mike Feuer to report to the council on options for filing claims against oil companies in a similar manner that the city of New York undertook earlier this week by filing a lawsuit against BP, Chevron, Conoco-Phillips. ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell, charging that the world’s five largest publicly traded oil companies are partially responsible for global warming and have known about the consequences of fossil fuels to the environment but have tried to hide it.
“By knowing that their business practice was contributing to climate change and doing nothing to stop their destructive ways, the oil and gas industry should be held liable for the current and future damage climate change is causing our city,” said City Councilman Mike Bonin, who introduced the motion with Councilman Paul Koretz that was seconded by council members Jose Huizar and Marqueece Harris-Dawson. “Taxpayers should not be footing the bill for infrastructure repairs that likely wouldn’t have been necessary had it not been for the willful neglect of the fossil fuel industry.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. Perhaps they should blame themselves for their own use of fossil fuels. No one, get this, forced them to use fossil fuels.
Again, what all the fossil fuels companies should do is refuse to sell gasoline to the city of Los Angeles. If someone is threatening to sue you, or suing you, you don’t do business with them, do you? Let LA, and all the other municipalities, try and operate without gasoline.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

entergy companies should refuse to sell to anybody who sues them