Not sure about you, but, I’d give a big resounding “no.” Weather happens. But, in Warmist World, things are always doom
Is Climate Change Impacting Your Mental Health?
We already know that climate change comes with major public health implications, like the spread of disease as climate refugees flee their homelands and live in close-packed conditions with inadequate sanitation. What we’re now growing to understand is that this includes not just physical, but also mental health. If world governments don’t rise to the challenge, they could face a human-made mental health crisis on a very large scale.
In other words, if they don’t slap on big taxes/fees, along with making you live your life the way they want you to, we’re doomed.
On the most superficial level, the connection is probably pretty easy to make: Climate change can create stress, which can exacerbate or trigger mental health problems. In addition to depression, people may experience anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and a variety of other intense emotional responses to changing conditions.
Shocking! Weather can create stress. You know, just like always. But, hey, Warmists are rather fragile, and they keep thinking thoughts of Doom, plus, being Leftists, they’re always miserable frricking people, so, doesn’t matter all that much. I wonder how they would do during another little ice age.