This is a hoot. First it’s an attempt to manufacture a reason to blamestorm Republicans. Second, it’s almost always Democrats who offer bad faith on illegal immigration
Shutdown’s Crux: Democrats’ Deep-Rooted Distrust of G.O.P. on Immigration
At the heart of the confrontation that led to a government shutdown lie two weeks of mixed messaging by the president — and two decades of deep-seated acrimony and suspicion between Democrats and Republicans on immigration.
“The Dems just want illegal immigrants to pour into our nation unchecked,â€Â President Trump tweeted Sunday. Senator Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky Republican and majority leader, said his Democratic counterpart, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, was “playing with all of those lives over the issue of illegal immigration.†A Trump campaign official, Michael Glassner, lauded the president for keeping Americans safe from “evil, illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes against lawful U.S. citizens.â€
Those derisive statements and others help explain why Democrats entered into the politically perilous fight. After several fruitless efforts at overhauling the nation’s immigration laws, Democrats simply do not trust Republicans, who control Congress and the White House, to follow through on pledges to protect hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants from deportation unless forced to do so.
Yes, this does belong in the opinion section. And this continues on and on, forgetting to mention the number of times Democrats have offered legislation and ideas whereby a “pathway to citizenship” would be given now for a “promise” of border security later, all while lying that that security will be done first. Look at the current situation
(Breitbart) Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,†while discussing the government shutdown, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) offer on the border wall was only to “authorize†funding, not “appropriating†the money.
Mulvaney said, “The president is absolutely interested and wants to get DACA fixed but what with you’ve just read really bears a close read which is what the Senate minority leader said was to authorize $20 billion. I know it’s getting real deep down in the weeds. You can authorize left and right but it’s appropriating the money that makes the difference. He wants to authorize the wall to be built but doesn’t want to spend the money to get it built. There was money authorized in 2006 that Mr. Schumer voted for for a wall that still hasn’t been built because that money hasn’t been spent.â€
These are the types of games that Democrats play. They want all the legalization, with the right to vote, for as many millions of illegal aliens as they can get while giving up almost nothing.
Back to the NY Times
In recent months, Republicans suggested that they would hold a strong hand in any funding showdown because Democrats would be reluctant to force a government shutdown over undocumented immigrants. If Democrats did, Republicans figured they would have a strong message to counter with by attacking Democrats as willing to shortchange Americans to help those who entered the country illegally.
They are now aggressively pressing that line of assault. But the message is also provoking new doubts about the sincerity of Republican determination to help Dreamers, muddying an immigration debate that is at the center of the conflict and has confounded Washington for almost 20 years.
Here’s what they are also really, really upset about: Republicans holding strong and firing back. Democrats and their Leftist media expect Republicans to wilt, and they usually do. They aren’t this time. And their message is that Democrats are picking illegal aliens over American citizens, including our military.

The Trump Shutdown.
The GOP controls the White House, the House and the Senate and they are not getting their jobs done. Budgets? Not yet. They’re all too busy posturing in their objective to remake America as a Randian white nationalist paradise. In the meantime, the GOP is working nationwide to consolidate their minority stranglehold by gerrymandering and voter suppression, state by state by state. They are guaranteeing a populist uprising.
The American people want the “Dreamers” protected (green cards) AND better border security, but they don’t support tRump’s Magic Wall (concrete, steel, rebar, 30 ft tall that you can see through to keep trebucheted bales of drugs from hitting you in the head, that Mexico will pay for). The GOP refused to act on the “Dreamers” behalf so President Obama did.
Still butthurt that Hillary lost.
YOU may want “dreamers” protected but you do not speak for the American people.
What part of illegal do democrats not understand?
True, they should end the Senate filibuster, ram through a 2 year budget, totally defund Planned Parenthood baby part vendors, fully fund the wall and military. Really reform the tax system without Dem interference.
Really MAGA
Looks like Dem Senators feeling the heat over the Schumer Shutdown.
The Times wrote:
I would hope that Republicans cannot be trusted to “protect hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants from deportation.” I would hope that President Obama’s miserable DACA program is not written into our immigration law.
And, believe it or not, for once it was the Democrats who caved, not the Republicans.
The way I hope it falls out:
1 – Senator McConnell keeps his promise to allow a vote on DACA and border security by February 8.
2 – The Senate passes a bill both writing DACA into law and providing funding for the wall and other border security measures.
3 – The House takes up the bill, passed the funding for the wall, but strips out the DACA part
4 – In conference, it is the House bill which prevails: funding for enforcement, DACA left out.
5 – Since the conference committee bill cannot be filibustered, it passes the Senate with 51 votes.
That way, we get the wall, DACA is not passed, and Senator McConnell has still kept his word.
Those poor naive Dems. LOL. When will they learn that the Repugs have only one moral… naked power. Since the GOPhers fully believe themselves to be the Party of God, any machination to get their way is blessed. Their belief set is very focused – fealty to the wealthy/corporations; support for white America (especially xenophobia and racism); support for Christian America (especially opposition to abortion and LGBTs). All their policy recommendations serve these three constituencies regardless of the cost to America or the world. Tactically they work day and night to disenfranchise Dem voters and gerrymander districts. Part of their strategy is to seize control of the Supreme Court and district courts to give legal imprimatur to their perfidy.
Of course the GOPhers lie. And tRump is the worst ever. Not even his wives and girlfriends were able to trust him, so why should America?
Hard to make any sense out of that staggeringly ignorant comment, little guy.
Try again.
The democrats had an internal memo stating they needed Dreamers for the votes, yet Jeff really gets into full whine mode over the Republicans and the moral of naked power. And I do love how they really get their panties in a wad over gerrymandering – a system that was perfectly fine as long as the democrats were the ones getting to draw the lines. Their constant whining and shouting at the sky makes the winning even more fun.