Not Tabasco! Oh, noes, this is horrible! One of the premiere hot sauces out there! Terrible!
Climate Change Might Force Tabasco to Find a New Home
The nation’s oldest hot-sauce maker may soon be headed to drier ground. For 150 years, Louisiana’s McIlhenny family has manufactured its beloved Tabasco sauce on a geological salt dome called Avery Island that’s just a few miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico. Despite its name, it’s not a true “island,†though the area is surrounded by water, in the form of bayous and swampland, and has served the McIlhennys just fine since their hot sauce business began back in 1868.
Problem is, climate change is making the McIlhennys’ home more precarious by the day: The New Orleans Times-Picayune reports it was once “an ideal spot†for manufacturing, with convenient access to the coast, while 163 feet above sea level and on some 2,200 acres, which protected the site from bad Gulf storms. However, thanks to rising water levels, Avery is now “disappearing at a rapid pace.â€
The Darwinist Warmists sure hate that nature changes, eh?
As described by the paper, the situation sounds quite dire:
The marsh protecting the island is losing about 30 feet per year. Saltwater is seeping into the marshes, killing freshwater plants and causing soil to loosen and dissolve. Nearby ship canals grow busier and wider, hastening erosion. Storms are more frequent and hit with more force.
The land is sinking as well. Subsidence drops the Louisiana coast by nearly an inch per year.
Building in a marsh area probably isn’t the greatest place, because conditions change. They aren’t stagnant. And this has nothing to do with man-caused climate change. Climate changes. Things change. That’s the nature of the planet.
What the article forgets to mention in it’s scaremongering is available at the NOLA link in the first paragraph
Demand for Tabasco outpaced the island’s capacity to grow peppers years ago. Seeds are raised there, but now about 99 percent of the peppers are cultivated in Latin America and South Africa. Once shipped to Avery, the peppers undergo a process identical to the one established by Edmund in 1868. The peppers are ground into a salted mash and then stored in reused bourbon barrels for three years. The mash is hauled to the blending facility, where it’s mixed with Tabasco’s third and last ingredient, vinegar.
So, no problems getting Tabasco no or in the future. Just scaremongering Warmists trying to scaremonger.