…is a world turning to desert from atmosphere cancer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Way, with a post saying good morning.
It’s ladies of summer week!

…is a world turning to desert from atmosphere cancer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Way, with a post saying good morning.
It’s ladies of summer week!
America First? Isn’t that what tRump calls his movement?
Why do Nazis gravitate to the GOP? Is it hateful to ask?
Actually, the greatest number of anti-Semites and Jew-haters are Progressive Democrats. Obama’s administration was rife with ant-Semites, and Obama’s BFF’s are Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright.
If anything, the Republican Party is the home of Israeli-philia.
Squirrel!! (look over there!)
Yet the GOP seems the natural home for neoNazis. Why is that?
American conservatives love Israel but hate Jews. Go figure.
Jeffrey wrote:
Well, that’s the meme our friends on the left have been trying to promote, but it isn’t true. While there will obviously be a few exceptions, conservatives embrace what Jews are: an ethnic/cultural group which promotes, within itself, the values of working hard to achieve for themselves and their families. It would be hard to find a group in the United States which more fully embraces what conservatives like to call ‘the American way’ than American Jews.
As for Israel, while it would be intellectually possible to be opposed to Israeli policy and not be an anti-Semite, I have yet to find anyone who manages to do both.
Funny how that works…
The concerted effort by tRump and the GOP to trash the FBI, DOJ and Mueller team is designed to counter the public criticism as a sitting US President pleads the 5th to avoid incriminating himself.
It may well be that if Devo Nunez coordinated the “memo’s” content with the White House that they all could be committing obstruction.