I had another Hotcoldwetdry piece I was going to comment on, in which the Warmists were calling for total redistribution of wealth, which seems to be one of the main points of the AGW push, with everyone in the 1st world being forced to live a 2nd/3rd world life, but, this is even more fun
Climate Change Isn’t Just About the Planet
It’s about justice: racial, social, socioeconomic, reproductive, and environmental. It’s about immigration reform, LGBTQIA+ rights, and religious freedom.
It’s not really necessary to go beyond the headline and subhead. It’s all right there. But, let’s take a look at what Snowflake Yeehi Yona, who’s too young to actually understand the world, whines about. Starts out with lots of gripes, going to Trump, Scott Pruitt, Rick Perry, Rex Tillerson, pulling out of Paris climate agreement, and so forth, before reaching
However, this summer, I couldn’t even think about wildfires breaking across the continent without thinking about trans rights. I couldn’t think about Hurricane Irma without thinking about DACA.
Climate change isn’t just about the planet. It’s about justice: racial, social, socioeconomic, reproductive, and environmental. It’s about immigration reform, LGBTQIA+ rights, and religious freedom. I know this interconnectedness, and fervently believed in it when I wrote my initial essay submission last year.
However, in this moment, I find myself unable to think of climate change on its own. When Trump’s policy is climate destruction, it doesn’t take place in silos. I cannot consider Hurricane Harvey without my mind racing to the undocumented families who could not leave Houston because ICE maintained checkpoints and borders. I cannot think about climate change without thinking about Charlottesville, about the long legacy of racism, xenophobia, and fascism in this country, and how the communities most affected by Trump’s environmental rollbacks will be poor communities of color. If anything has changed in my mind since last year, it is that my connection to so many struggles for social justice are even more strongly at the forefront.
She’s really just saying what we’ve known for awhile now: anthropogenic climate change is really just a part of the overall Progressive (nice Fascist) movement. It’s an excuse to implement more taxes/fees along with control by the Government over citizens, private entities, and economies. Wrongthink is not allowed. Freedom is not allowed. You’ll think and act the way government dictates. Interestingly, these same little Warmists never consider that these authoritarian leanings, as well as the taxes/fees and higher cost of living, will ever effect themselves.