…is a wonderful low carbon bicycle which Everyone Else should be forced to use, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on when the NY Times called Trump treasonous.

…is a wonderful low carbon bicycle which Everyone Else should be forced to use, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on when the NY Times called Trump treasonous.
Minor point, but neither The Times nor Dr. Krugman are President of these United States.
That the American President calls fellow citizens treasonous and unAmerican is qualitatively different than a citizen saying the same about a Prez. Neither the Times nor the good Professor have it in their power to have one executed for treason.
I don’t think that tRump is anti-American so much as he’s just indifferent to America. Now tRump may well have edged close to treason in his dealings with the Russian authorities and the oligarchs, and that’s why we have investigations.
We understand that many Cons have given up on our Constitution claiming it limits their democratically earned power to rule, but here it is anyway:
Is helping the Russians rig an American election treason? Is it giving an Enemy aid and comfort?
Minor point but little guy’s ignorance is staggering…
You really do come off looking stupid with your assertions. Now, that might not mean much to you, but your main effort in the comments has been to promote you climate religion, consider that if you look stupid, your efforts on the climate are tainted.
Jeffery has come to the conclusion that Hillary and the Democrats are traitors.
Actually, I just asked the question.
More people think the FBI meddled in the election than the Russians. Is it still treasonous?
But your question only applies to Hillary and the Democrats right now and you know it.
She’s complicit in global warming because of all the time she spends touring on Leo DiCrapio’s yacht.
Kelly doesn’t always ride a bike. She’s a golfer, and here is a video of her giving golf tips:
from the Navy Seal who killed bin Laden:
We need a commander in chief…
In 2014 Schumer couldn’t wait to have a military parade.
Third World bullshit was Obama being given medals by his Cabinet officers just before leaving office.
When O’Neil came out with his claim that he shot Bin Laden, he was attacked by the left for being a murderous thug. The right and other SEALS attacked him for disclosing details of the operation which SEALS claim broke the ethos of the group.
O’Neil talking about what SEALs and the military needs and being lauded by the military hating left is just another case of hypocrisy from the left.
They hate people until they can use him to show their hatred of another.
Hate is all the left has.
Projection is all the right has. Every statement, every proposal, every action, is meant to hurt someone. We’re on to you.