They seem rather shocked that someone who has been against the CPP wants to kill it
(Daily Caller) Four Democratic senators are demanding Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt recuse himself from repealing a former President Barack Obama-era regulation placing significant burdens on fossil fuel energy providers, The Washington Post reports.
Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts, Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Brian Schatz of Hawaii together submitted a comment to the EPA Wednesday on repealing the Clean Power Plan (CPP). The group of Democratic lawmakers claim that Pruitt’s bias toward the CPP — he sued the EPA four times over his term as attorney general of Oklahoma — prevents him from making a fair judgement.
“The evidence for Pruitt’s inalterably closed mind on CPP rulemaking is overwhelming,†the senators wrote, according to The Hill. “It falls into three categories: (1) his deep and wide financial ties to the fossil fuel industry which is ferociously opposed to the CPP; (2) his status as a previous petitioner suing the EPA to block the CPP; and (3) his numerous statements denouncing the CPP, questioning the ability to regulate carbon emissions under the [Clean Air Act] as the CPP proposes to do, and casting doubt on climate science.â€
The lawmakers request follows similar comments filed by environmental groups and left-leaning states and cities in January.
Would Pruitt be attempting to kill off CPP if he supported it? Seriously, Democrats are just silly. Have they forgotten that “elections have consequences”? Perhaps they shouldn’t have jammed through a rule that harms citizens and the energy sector for a scam. A scam that most of them, like Sheldon Whitehouse, apparently do not feel applies to them, as they use lots and lots of fossil fuels in their personal and professional lives.
Furthermore, the Supreme Court had blocked implementation of the CPP back in February of 2016. It has never been in force. Twenty seven states sued over it. If these Democrat Senators really love CPP, they should get their states to implement it. We can use them as test-beds to see what happens.

LOL. The Dem Senators don’t understand that they’ve been run over by the tRump train.
It’s admirable that they continue to fight, but it’s over.
The economic elites have their useful idiot in tRump and are systematically deconstructing the US for their own benefit.
There is nothing to do but watch as the formerly great nation devolves into chaos.
Yep, the US is totally going to devolve into a Mad Max style dystopia. You ever see someone about your hyperventilating and panic attacks?
Tut tut, now. If you would just take your anti-depressants as directed, you wouldn’t run out before the prescription can be renewed.
Kon kidz,
Don’t worry, it’s going to take years for them to fvck you over. And don’t worry about the debt, as Dick Cheney famously said, “Ronald Reagan proved (Republican) deficits don’t matter.”
Maybe the rich will toss you a few crumbs as your SS and Medicare benefits stagnate.
Barack Mugabe said the same thing about deficits, little dumbass guy.
Your boyfriend loves black d!ck.
You’re confused again, little guy.
I think you’re referring to Barack Mugabe aka Obiwan Nairobi.
Why are you worried about the debt when the shoe shine boy doubled it and you did not say a thing?
Your wife loves black d!ck.
Very racist statement jeff. You are showing your real self.
Do you think referring to a Black man as a “shoe shine” boy or “loose shoes” is racist?
Sharpton called him the Magic Negro.
Or was that Jesse Jackson?
Hard to tell them apart.
Clinton started the shine business.
Really? What exactly did President or Senator Clinton say?
White nationalists (nice racists) used to cloister amongst their own tribe, scattering like cockroaches when the lights came on, forced to hide their true selves. No longer, thanks to Comrade Combover, the tiny-d!cked orange Russian. You guys now feel comfortable in coming out of the closet.
What is your obsession with dicks, little guy?
tRump made it acceptable to be a white nationalist (polite racist) again!