The other day, we learned that U.S. Olympic contender Shani Davis pretty much stated that losing a coin toss for the right to lead the U.S. delegation in the Olympics opening ceremonies. What happened during the opening ceremonies? (via Twitchy)
Speedskater Shani Davis boycotts the opening ceremony of the winter Olympics over flag bearer controversy. #Olympics2018
— Inside Edition (@InsideEdition) February 10, 2018
The only “controversy” is Davis acting like a petulant child. Like a poor sport. One of the reasons I love baseball and the NHL is that they won’t tolerate poor sportsmanship on the playing surface. Hit a home run and pose? Get ready for a pitch behind your head. Showboat on the ice? Expect to get run, and possibly have to fight. The showboating in the NFL and NBA are major reasons why I’m really starting to dislike the sports. I gave up on the NBA long ago over this.
But, hey, this gets better, with shakedown artist Jesse Jackson getting involved, tweeting
The choice to represent our country as #flagbearer in the @Olympics should never be determined by the flip of a coin. The Committee should immediately institute a more appropriate system to make such a significant determination. @ShaniDavis
Is there anything more fair than a coin toss? Perhaps pistols at 10 paces? Rock paper scissors? What if the Committee themselves took a vote and gave it to Erin Hamlin? Would Jackson still have a problem? Most likely. Because some people only see race in everything. Anyhow, apparently there are tons of raaaaacist decisions made every Saturday and Sunday during college and pro football season. Oh, and Fridays for high school!
Meanwhile, Vice President Pence apparently snubbed the entrance of the North Korean athletes. Some slammed him, some defended him, like

Where were all the people during the opening ceremony?

I may just have to take a knee when he competes.
Blacks are a clown show in black face.
And why is it that only Black athletes and entertainers are jerks?
[…] William Teach lays into Shani Davis, a phenomenal athlete, and, at least in this case a whiny little bitch […]
The probability of a coin toss is racist. We must institute affirmative action for coin tosses!
Two outta three, cracker!
What’s the deal with these uppity negroes? Other people paid good money and went to great lengths to come to our country, but we brought the uppity negroes from Africa for free! We gave them room and board, steady work. Didn’t make them vote. Didn’t make them take management jobs with all the stress and responsibility. Kept them together in their own neighborhoods.
And this is how they repay real Americans for all our generosity.
Meanwhile the oppressed white man has carried the real burdens of America.
Sheriff tRump will settle their hash with a harsh twit.
Fortunately, there’s been an upsurge in white nationalists running for office. Makes sense, since a white nationalist almost got as many votes nationally as his opponent. Blacks and Mexicans and Muslims better watch out.
As the article points out, David Duke has been elected before.
You do realize that David Duke and you have more in common in your ideas than the rest of us on this blog.
I have to wonder who are these hundreds of thousands of Republicans who voted for David Duke.
What we really want to do is to be left alone. We don’t want Negroes around. We don’t need Negroes around. We’re not asking — you know, we don’t want to have them, you know, for our culture. We simply want our own country and our own society. – Dave Duke
Divorced from White influence and culture, they (Blacks) reverted quickly to their genotype – increasingly typical of black societies around the world. Males exhibited exaggerated sexual aggression and promiscuity… – Dave Duke
We Aryans are those of European descent who are racially conscious and who have committed our lives to our people’s survival and evolutionary advancement. We shall do our duty. We shall not surrender our freedom and our very existence to Jewish or any other power. We shall preserve our heritage and our hard-won rights and freedoms. – Dave Duke
Everybody -every time you turn around, 15,000 survivors meet here, 400 survivors convention there. I mean, did you ever notice? Nazis sure were inefficient, weren’t they? Boy, boy, boy! …You almost have no survivors that ever say they saw a gas chamber or saw the workings of a gas chamber…they’ll say these preposterous stories that anybody can check out to be a lie, an absolute lie. – Dave Duke
Our clear goal must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races. This goal must include freeing of the American media and government from subservient Jewish interests. – Dave Duke
…I don’t think we should suppress other races, but I think if we lose that White – what’s the word for it – that White dominance in America, with it we lose America. – Dave Duke
David Duke and his ilk believe caucasians are superior to African Americans.
“And why is it that only black athletes and entertainers are jerks?†Because they act like a spoiled child when losing a coin flip?
Do you believe only Black athletes are boorish? Or is your ire only aimed at Shani Davis’ boorish behavior? Are you generalizing Mr. Davis bad behavior to all Blacks?
Are all white athletes arses because Tom Brady is?
It wouldn’t upset me in the least if someone did a Tonya Harding on him…………
No, but in the cases of the NFL and NBA, it’s mostly blacks. Tom Brady is an ass?
Brady was suspended four games for cheating, refused to shake hands after his two Super Bowl losses, was fined for trying to spike a defensive back, repeatedly taunts the opposing teams, he fathered a child outside of wedlock.
Did you see Gronkowski assault Tre’Davious White after a play, giving the helpless White a concussion? Gronk was suspended. An example of white on “White” crime.
For some reason, when white guys act badly it accrues to the individual (if it’s noted at all), when Black guys act poorly it accrues to all Black people. It’s the only reason “StormFront” TEACH noted this story at all – it was a Black guy.
TEACH somehow excuses the white on white in-game assaults in ice hockey as favorable.
Why do black football players like to beat on their women and still be allowed to play?
Perhaps little guy can offer some insight.
I don’t know. Do only Black men beat women? The recent stories out of the Caucasian House in DC suggests otherwise. Even tRump was accused of assaulting his first wife.
You tell me, little guy.
little buttsniffer,
I don’t know why men are so violent toward women. Do you have any ideas? (LOL, of course not).
The subjugation of women (and the submissiveness of women) is part of conseva-Christian culture but that only explains part of why white men are abusive. Maybe men in general are just bullying assholes.
Two of tRump’s aides were forced out this week for beating their wives.
Nah, most black people can’t control themselves.
Who dis bitch is, yo?

Most white bigots are frightened little boys (see, for example, donald john tRump). But frightened little boys supported by a white majority and white privilege. Fear and political power are a deadly combination. The question is, who dies?
Like homey tRump? LOL
Two more white police officers shot and killed in Westerville, Oh. while responding to a domestic violence call.
Suspect in custody but so far not identified.
Wonder why?
Little guy probably giddy with glee, yo.
Lil Buttsniffer,
do you have a point? didn’t think so…
Yep, another of your brothers gunned down 2 more cops.
Happy, little guy?
Lil Buttsniffer,
So you’re unable to articulate your point? Same as it ever was… same as it ever was.
You can get back to your “hobby”.
Lil Buttsniffer,
If your point is that men are violent, we agree. The killers of police officers are almost exclusively male. Why is that? Men that use firearms. Maybe we need to keep a close eye on men with firearms.
Black males, yo.

Kinda makes you proud of your race, yo.
So, your point is that Black males are violent. Good! We’re making progress.
What is your evidence? Clearly Black males are not the only violent Americans. The Las Vegas mass shooter was a white male. The white White House abusers were all white, and male. Half of homicides are committed by whites, mostly males.
Are you trying to make the point that Black males commit more homicides as a percentage of the their representation in the population? True!
Why do you think that is?
Black males have a propensity toward violence. (Note the proper use of the word.)
Maybe you can explain why, little guy, you should know.
Our experience is that racists do not prefer to actually discuss race. They prefer to wallow in the comfort of their beliefs without challenge.
Religious fundamentalists are much the same. They never want to discuss the underpinnings of the their beliefs – because they are just that – beliefs.
Lil Buttsniffer typed:
Actually, that’s still a belief based on your interpretation of the evidence clearly showing that Blacks are overrepresented.
Do you think that Black males are inherently more violent than white males?
Check the data, yo.

Not a belief. Fact, yo.
That Black males are overrepresented as homicide perps is fact. That this means they are inherently more violent is a conclusion, a belief, yo.
If you don’t want to discuss it just say so, yo.
Nothing to discuss, yo.
Black males are inherently violent, yo.
Little guy’s a credit to his violent race, yo.
Agreed, nothing to discuss, yo.
White males are inherently violent, based on the evidence, yo.
yo, yo, yo… Merry Whitemas!
Where’s your data, blood? Yo?
Actually discussing something is more difficult than the tweet mentality, right?
And Rand Paul on Face the Nation just said the US is fighting wars in 9 countries right now. Aren’t the wars run by white males? How violent!
The Great Recession stole trillions from our economy. All orchestrated by white males. How violent!
White boys don’t have the balls to commit their own violence. They’re like carnivorous PETA members who think cold cuts come from the supermarket. It’s all very sanitary and sterile.
You let tRump’s Gestapo assault Mexicans because you don’t have the balls.
You let “the system” put Black males in prison because you don’t have the balls.
You let the government do your dirty work for you because you don’t have the balls.
White males are inherently violent.
Freed your sorry ass, yo?

We’re trying to think of you as more than a peckerwood, but you make it impossible, yo.
NOW you want data? LOL
Here’s your data: Your boyfriend confirmed you have no balls. It’s why he has a real Black man on the side, you little cuck you. LOL
Yo! What happened to our dicussion, little guy?
Wikipedia had a section on black violence and showed that in the US blacks were more that 7 times as likely to commit a violent crime. World wide it was 3 times. Note that is times, not percentage.
We already know that you believe Black people are genetically inferior to whitey.
Do you think there is a genetic component contributing to the statistics?
Do you think white men are genetically inclined to commit fraud?
yo, lil buttsniffing cuck,
Let us know when you get some actual data to discuss.
We’ve already agreed that Black males commit more than their share of homicides.
do you have another point?
Oh, there you are, little guy.
For a second I thought you took a break to beat up your woman or diddle the grandson.
Would you like some more current evidence of black men who are inherently violent?
Lil buttsniffing cuck,
And as always, if you’re not on the no-fly list for being a domestic terrorist suspect (assuming you have any balls, LOL), a first class ticket in your name (you’ll only need a one way ticket) is available for a face to face discussion.
Also, if your dominant is abusing you don’t look to White House for help. tRump is inherently on the side of your abuser.
Lil buttsniffing cuck,
A Gish Gallop (look it up) of links to white supremacist websites is not an argument.
Can you at least try to make an argument?
We’ve already agreed that Black males commit more than their share of homicides.
So there’s no argument there. By all means, use YOUR words to make YOUR argument.
Keep blaming whitey for the problems of violent black men.
You have no one to blame but you and your ilk, err… bros, yo!
We didn’t blame whitey, did we?
Why do you refuse to support your argument?
Oh yeah, that.
Have a nice day!
Pretty much everyday little guy drones on and on about whitey.
Should we add alzheimer’s to the list of your shortcomings, yo?

Or do just enjoy being dishonest?
(Another inherent trait of the violent black man)
We hadn’t realized you didn’t know the meaning of “inherent”. Our apologies.
Buttsniffing cuck,
We gave you the opportunity to be thought of as more than just a StormFronting, racist, shuck and jive peckerwood. We see we have no need to change our original opinion.
Race discussions reveal the cesspoolian true self.