The other illegal aliens do have a point: why should there be a focus on the DACA kids? What makes them so special? But, then again, they’re all illegal, and should be deported
Focus on Dreamers breeds resentment from other immigrants here illegally
Ever since Sam Paredes crossed into the U.S. illegally from Mexico nearly 30 years ago, he followed a simple philosophy of keeping his head down and trying to stay out of trouble.
The 39-year-old put in long hours for little pay as an office manager at a clothing wholesaler. He paid his taxes and hoped that after many years of waiting, there would come an immigration reform that would grant him a pathway to becoming an American citizen.
How is he working like this? He can’t get a legal work permit. Is he using someone else’s social security number and information? That’s the only way to lawfully fill out an I-9 form.
But one glimmer of hope afforded many young immigrants escaped him: Because the New York resident came too long ago, he did not qualify for immigration relief under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, better known as DACA.
Now he watches as the White House and Congress continue to grapple and negotiate and argue — but at least talk about — the future of the so-called Dreamers.
“I’m very bitter. These DACA kids definitely have this sense of entitlement,” Paredes said. “People fought for them and they got DACA and they got their work permit and then they went to sleep, instead of working to fight for the rest of us.” (long snip about the Dreamers)
But the focus on Dreamers has caused tension between those in the community who can qualify for DACA and those who cannot.
Awww, what a shame, pitting one set of illegal aliens against another
Alessandro Negrete, 35, was getting ready for a night out in downtown Los Angeles recently when one of his friends worried aloud about Trump taking away the protection he got from the DACA program.
Negrete, a public relations worker, was 3 months old when a smuggler carried him from Mexico into the United States. Too old now to apply to become a Dreamer, he said he cannot help but feel resentment at how much attention the plight of this one segment of the immigrant community is receiving while people like him seem to get so little.
“You think you have it hard?” he angrily told his friend. “You at least have legal status. For some people like me, my mom and some of my neighbors, we don’t have [that].”
How is he working? Again, there’s no legal way to fill out an I-9, except with false documents. A driver’s license from the State of California won’t cut it. More documents are needed. Regardless, it’s amusing that those not eligible for DACA are resentful of the DACA recipients.
And there are even food fights between the Dreamers who are demanding a “clean” bill, one which just gives legal status with no strings like border security (what makes illegal aliens think they can demand the terms of the U.S. being generous to them?) and those who are willing to compromise, who are willing to take anything just to be legalized.
If DACA legislation does pass, Hvidston said she believes it’s only a matter of time before that group then advocates for those left out.
“The overall impression is that DACA recipients are the champions of those here illegally,” she said.
Don’t forget that the overall end goal is to legalize all the illegals, and, more importantly, make sure that they are citizens with the ability to vote. They won’t accept anything such as permanent legal resident status. The illegal aliens supporters will keep pushing the envelope to get them all legalized with the ability to vote. DACA is a stepping stone.

The right rely on these “domino” conspiracy theories rather than evidence and what is actually proposed. Not unlike limiting the size of magazines really “means” THEY want to grab all the guns.
As we have learned over the last century, Lefty dictators always tell you what they want before the go after it.
PS Jeffery is disagreeing with his own masters. No free stuff this month.
Jeff and his comrades are pissed that the right finally figured out not to let the camel’s nose in the tent. On anything.
There is a pathway to citizenship, the above illegal could have at any time in the past and still could apply for citizenship. He chooses not to and whines that laws that he still willingly breaks today apply to him. Grow up Allessandro, the world owes you nothing.
As said, the dreamers became the demanders.
Yep, those Dreamers got as uppity as our negroes.
Are you saying that blacks are unwilling or unable to comply with civil and criminal statutes? That’s rather racist, isn’t it?
Well, the ignorant angry little black guy should know.
All he has to do is go home and fill out the forms like everyone else. No reform needed.
LEGAL immigration is a pathway to citizenship, many immigrants actually use it.
Don’t confuse them with facts.