…is a sky no longer blue due to carbon pollution atmosphere cancer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on firearms in private hands.

…is a sky no longer blue due to carbon pollution atmosphere cancer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on firearms in private hands.
I would doubt there’s any pollution around her from the fantastic condition of her lungs.
Republican Gov Eric “Machine Gun” Greitens of Missouri was indicted today, saving the state from a Kansas type meltdown.
Don Juan tRump is next.
So let’s see…..
The government took in more money in January than in the history of the country…….unemployment at the lowest level in 45 years……. and Trumps approval rating is higher than Obama’s at this point in their presidency.
No wonder liberals are going nuts.
Their fantasy world is crashing down around them.
If only any of that were true.
We understand why you increasingly unhinged Conspiracists are panicked. Mr. Mueller just indicted tRump’s Campaign Head for crimes that, if he’s convicted, will have Manafort die in prison. Manafort will likely take a deal. These are the same crimes that tRump has committed over the past few decades, but are hardly the worst of his actions.
This was a warning shot over tRump’s bow, and tRump and his attorney’s are looking for a way out even now. tRump will settle. tRump always settles. Always. The fate of the nation is the furthest issue from tRump’s fetid mind.
The Conspiracist Right and the white nationalists are panicked, not decent America. You and the Russians elected a crook, and an incompetent one at that, and he’s in trouble – and Putin and his government are gloating. And all because this egomaniac was jealous of Director Comey. Unintended consequences much, Comrade Donald?