…is a horrible plastic bottle* causing everything to dry up, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on Progressive being sore losers.
*yup, I’m going to say again that recycling/reusing is a good thing, good for the actual environment, just has nothing to do with Hotcoldwetdry

Maybe the lawless Don can appoint Jared Kushner as I.G., rumor “Koosh” will soon be looking for a new job. Or going to prison.
By the way, A.G. Sessions told the Lawless Don to go fvck himself.
The President is profoundly ignorant of the workings of the Justice Department and the government.
80,000 Russian-managed voters in Wisconsin, Michigan and PA led to the destruction of the US.
Who knew the nation was so fragile? Perhaps we can rebuild.
Those would be the illegal voters that the left claims don’t exist?
You cannot make this stuff up. The right is being proven correct all the time and somehow the left seems to think it vindicates their hate.
When all you have is hate, you live in a fantasy world.
All you have is hate, lies and the vile will to kill children.
Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills murder nearly 700,000 children a year in the US. Forgive me if I doubt the sentiment. Go back to feeding Moloch.
Not even you believe your own statement. If you really thought 700,000 children a year were being murdered we hope you would do more than just whine on a little conservablog.
I’ll BUY an AR-15 and stand with you to defend those children.
But of course, you don’t mean “children”, you mean embryos or fetuses.
Even worse. Now you admit that the 80,000 voters who swung MI, WI and PA for tRump were illegal voters??? We had not heard that charge ever made.
Hope Hicks out.
One less pussy to grab?
We get it. You see the white nationalist nirvana; the promise of a tRump new Pax Americana; with negroes, Muslims, mexicans and libs in their place, collapsing under the weight of tRump’s corruption and flawed ego. Con Men are finding out that their opponents (most of America) will not meekly bend to their authoritarian will.
You’re desperate, you’re flailing as your foundering movement collapses under its own “success”.
Looks like the ignorant angry little negro’s up early this morning after a long night sipping dem dicks desparately trying to remain relevant in his spunk drunk stupor.
Funny-“Russian managed voters in Mi., Wi., and Penn.†Those tricky Russians. Did they somehow use their telepathic powers to make crooked Hillary not campaign there? What a clown show….again without any proof. Because there isn’t any