We’ve had many different types of scaremongering by people who have no real understanding of guns, such as this recent one which yammered on about “full semi-automatic“. Now the NY Times brings you
With AR-15s, Mass Shooters Attack With the Rifle Firepower Typically Used by Infantry Troops
When a gunman walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, he was carrying an AR-15-style rifle that allowed him to fire upon people in much the same way that many American soldiers and Marines would fire their M16 and M4 rifles in combat.
Except for the whole “it’s a semi-automatic rifle, which fires exactly one bullet per trigger pull.” The Times a few videos, followed by a picture of an M16 which is used by the infantry (but mostly replaced now by the M4), followed by graphics of SCARY looking rifles not used by the infantry, before finally mentioning
The main functional difference between the military’s M16 and M4 rifles and a civilian AR-15 is the “burst†mode on many military models, which allow three rounds to be fired with one trigger pull. Some military versions of the rifles have a full automatic feature, which fires until the trigger is released or a magazine is empty of ammunition.
But, in Times World, it doesn’t matter that the rifles they’re fearmongering do not operate the same
But in actual American combat these technical differences are less significant than they seem. For decades the American military has trained its conventional troops to fire their M4s and M16s in the semiautomatic mode — one bullet per trigger pull — instead of on “burst†or automatic in almost all shooting situations. The weapons are more accurate this way, and thus more lethal.
They also have mostly done away with rifles that fire more than 3-4 rounds per trigger pull, so as to not waste rounds. Regardless, they aren’t the same weapons, because, get this, it is illegal for civilians to purchase or possess an automatic weapon, or modify to be automatic.
Of course, this doesn’t matter, because the Times has a Narrative to push.
In fact, you can purchase rifles that have a lot more stopping power than an AR-15 and it’s various incarnations. Hunters tend to use stronger rifles that aren’t scary looking but fire heavier powered rounds and also work the same as the demonized rifles: fire one round per trigger pull. Like these. In fact, there are many calibers, such as .30-06, that are more lethal. And, of course, it depends on the type of ammo style used, such as fragmenting or not.
Let’s run this again
Same guns, just one isn’t scary looking.
Do you know what the military tends to carry M4’s? Because they’re lightweight. Easy to tote. Which is why a lot of people, including women, like to purchase them for protection. Why do leftist gun grabbers want to make it harder for women to defend themselves? Do they hate women?

The military limited the M-16 and M-4 to the three round burst because rock’n’roll wasted ammunition and overheated barrels, degrading the weapons.
So the civilian AR-15 style rifles are even MORE like the military versions than first thought??
Why do mass murderers gravitate to the semi-auto, easily handled, low recoil, short barreled, large magazined rifles specifically designed to kill humans? It’s an easy answer. That’s right! Because they make killing other humans in batches so danged convenient! That’s why the military prefers them too!
Now you tell us the military prefers they be used in either semi-auto or 3-round burst mode.
But we do realize that once banned, the NRA/gun manufacturers will find ways around any ban – there’s too much money to be made – and the negative externalities associated with their wide use – dead kids – are apparently acceptable to America.
Seeing as how the ignorant angry little black fella who claimed to have joined the Army would understand Dana’s claim about limited bursts …, but oh wait, the little black fella actually lied about serving so his ignorance of the matter is understandable.
Any time you’re feeling froggy, come get ’em. See what happens.
Moron labe
But the perfectly legal “bump stocks” modify the AR-15 style rifles to fire much like an auto. Did you listen to the audio tape of the Las Vegas AR-15 style massacre?
Yet still they are not the same.
Perhaps you missed that part.
What’s hysterical is that while you ignore the fact that semi-auto rifles are being banned on the basis of their looks and not their functionality, you want change the debate to “well, this thing allows the semiauto gun to not have the same capabilities as an automatic, but it’s the same thing anyway.”
All leftists have is hatred.
Denying the undeniable. It’s all you ammosexuals have left. That and dead children.
Try Viagra. It costs society less.
Good to see the ignorant angry little black guy tap dancing on the graves of the victims.
But that’s what his tribe does.
Bump stocks do not make a weapon an automatic, yet Jeffery claims it does.
Semi-automatic rifles that have the same rate of fire but look different are not the same thing in terms of functionality, according to Jeffery.
The left lies because all they have is hate.
Yeah, the 58 dead and 851 injured in Las Vegas appreciate your distinction without a difference, Mr. Semantics.
The slippery semantician repeatedly ignores the other advantages the AR-15 style rifles give to the mass murderer (and the infantryman).
Again, why do the military, mass murderers and hapless “home defenders” prefer the AR-15 platform over the traditional form? Looks?
The semantician lies because he has no argument.
There is a distinction Jeffery. Just because you refuse to recognize it as it destroys your arguments doesn’t mean the distinction goes away.
Once again, you ignore distinctions where there are distinctions and say there are distinctions where there are none just because you have nothing but hate.
So you admit that there is an advantage to using the AR-15 when people are trying to kill or harm you?
Thanks again for making points that show how wrong and desperate you are.
You mean you don’t know? You are sitting there telling everyone what an expert you are and you don’t know the number one reason that allowed people to defend themselves?
People on the left who only have hate can’t reason or make a cognitive argument.
That’s what hate will do to you and that’s all the left has.
Mr. TEACH and his little minions attempt to persuade people that the AR-15s used to kill children are significantly different from the versions used by the military. Yet the children are just as dead as the enemy.
That is a stupid statement even for you. And I can’t really think you give a care about those kids and their families.
An early test of the tRump/NRA plan:
A teacher packing a pistol goes batshit and shoots up a school.
Good work, Donnie NRA.
And the President and the NRA had exactly what to do with this?
Do they have anything to do with your black brothers committing half of the U.S. homicides?
Do they have anything to do with St. Louis having the highest murder rate in the U.S.?
Your ignorant angry little black guy logic would be laughable if this wasn’t so tragic.
Keep tap dancing on the graves of the victims.
Better yet, take a break and give your grandson some rusty trombone lessons.
tRump: “Take the guns first, due process second.”
Good thing President Obama didn’t say that.
Loose Shoes claimed there were no scandals during his administration.
Typical black guy.
Of course, the idea was offered in a general sense of gun control discussions with leaders, and was not necessarily an idea that he was willing to back.
But he didn’t have to. The state of California, full of hateful leftist passed the very thing that Trump was talking about in 2014.
Obama actually praised the measure.
It’s just so damned hard to live a productive and fruitful life when all you have is hate.
LOL. You desperate little apologist, you.
Just another lie from your Blowhard-in-Chief? Of course. We’re used to it by now.
Unable to deal with facts, those who have only hate in their lives resort to childish name calling.
So you’re left claiming that the military rifles differ from the civilian versions by having a selective 3 shot burst that no one uses. Strong argument. What’s wrong with you people? Pure hatred?
Surely you aren’t so vile that you’re willing to sacrifice children for the sake of argument. Or are you? Prove us wrong.
The men and women in the military use the three round burst, Jeffery. You wouldn’t know that as you and the left love to channel your hatred against the military.
Thanks. It’s so strong that you can’t deal with it.
Says the guy who supports the killing of children on demand.
You hate the military, you hate the rights of people to defend themselves, you hate the truth and you hate children because all you have is hatred.
The “killing of children” is against the law.
We would hope that if you know of a “guy intent on the killing of children” that you contact the authorities, or if the circumstances are exigent you step in and, like your “president”, rush in to stop him.
Are 2nd Ammendment (tRump’s new spelling) strict constructionists comfortable with tRump saying:
because you know he never tells the truth?
Are you OK with the police taking your guns based on their own suspicions, and you having to go to court to get them back?
If Congress passes, and tRump signs, a universal background check bill (on all gun sales) will you obey the new law?