The Leftist gun grabbers usually try and keep their full aspirations of banning all private ownership of firearms quiet, but, every once in a while they slip up
Asheville calls for assault weapons ban; mayor says she would go further
The City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to tell state and federal leaders to ban assault weapons, saying in a resolution that “on average, nearly two dozen children are shot each day in the United States.” (big snip)
[Mayor Esther] Manheimer said she would like to go further than an assault weapons ban and cited a USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll done last week of registered voters nationwide that showed 63 percent say semiautomatic weapons should be banned.
“But it is because of the NRA and its influence that politicians are not able to make a decision that otherwise represents a majority of the population,” she said.
Whoops! Letting the cat out of the bag. Here’s the resolution
New A – Gun Violence Prevention.pdf by Joel Burgess on Scribd
Perhaps the mayor should worry about why her police officers beat the hell out of a jay walker.

And at least one Republican wants the power to confiscate guns without due process — even if it is against the law.
“I think they should have taken them away, whether they had the right or not.”
Somewhat out of context there, kiddiez.
Nice try.
We are well aware that you are children. Don’t say stupid things.
Our comment was accurate and relevant. Can you contribute anything other than handwaving?
Out of context and only relevant to you kiddiez.

When you grow up I will be glad to exchange comments.
Zachriel: Our comment was accurate and relevant. Can you contribute anything other than handwaving?
Shorter david7134: No.
Follow these simple rules.
Just tell the democrats you’ll agree to a semi-automatic weapons ban if they’ll agree to a law saying no abortions after 12 weeks, and then we’ll see who’s really owned by a special interest group. The NRA are pikers in comparison to Planned Parenthood and owning a party.
The NRA and PP spent about the same amounts in direct payments to campaigns in the 2016 election cycle – Less than a million each.
PP spent an additional $13 million on advertising, mostly in support of Dems and opposing GOPhers!
The NRA spent $419 million on advertising, mostly in support of GOPhers and opposing Dems. Recall too, that the Russian government funneled at least $30 million through the NRA.
419 is greater than 13.
Russia, Russia, Russia !!!…
And Planned Parenthood receives over 500 million anually in taxpayer dollars. NRA receives zero.
Jl: And Planned Parenthood receives over 500 million anually in taxpayer dollars. NRA receives zero.
Does the NRA provide healthcare services for poor women?
How sells more arms?
Planned Parenthood or the NRA?
Actually who but maybe how would apply also.