…is a world turning to dust from Other People eating burgers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on ignorance and a lack of logic in Progressive’s anti-gun position.

…is a world turning to dust from Other People eating burgers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on ignorance and a lack of logic in Progressive’s anti-gun position.
tRump aide says tRump knew of Baby Doc’s meeting with Putin’s agents BEFORE the meeting.
GOP operative says Robert Mueller III has documentation that links tRump campaign to the Russians.
When tRump is convicted of treason, how should he be executed? Hanging? Firing squad? Stoned by Muslims? Beaten to death by Mexicans? LOL.
Putin nixed anti-Russia Mitt Romney for Sec of State and approved pro-Russia (and Putin bud) Rex Tillerson.
Thanks Donald. The Soviet Union has rebuilt, and the US is one of their states.
If you want an example of the “rot” that is Putin’s Russia, watch the documentary “Icarus” (won Acad Award for best documentary). It reveals how Putin and Russia rigged the 2014 Winter Olympics and continues to this day. The KGB (FSB) had a “maintenance” building filled with “janitors” next to the drug testing facility.
And tRump is in bed with them. Sad.