…are animals that have low carbon footprints so we should replace cars with them in order to modernize, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The H2, with a post asking what’s wrong with some people.

…are animals that have low carbon footprints so we should replace cars with them in order to modernize, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The H2, with a post asking what’s wrong with some people.
What’s wrong with dem people.
The other dem Mayor Barry.
She’s yummy. You’re rolling with the cowgirl theme!
Our Sex Addict-in-Chief is now being sued by porn actress Stormy Daniels to release her from the non-disclosure agreement created to keep her from talking about their 2006-2007 affair.
Senator Rafael “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz (R-TX) was mocking his opponent’s (US Rep. Beto O’Rourke (R-TX)) use of a nickname. Why doesn’t “Ted” go by Rafael?