I wonder if the Washington Post Editorial Board ever thought “perhaps we should put our #Resist away, stop our Trump Derangement Syndrome, and act like adults, because, if we aren’t unhinged, perhaps we could convince Mr. Trump to deal with issues.” Na.
The public has spoken on gun control. Don’t wait for the White House.
ACTION ON gun-control legislation has stalled in Congress as Republican leaders try to get some sense of what President Trump might support. We have a better idea. Rather than trying to decipher signals from a president who changes his mind by the hour, lawmakers should listen to the public they are elected to represent. Its message in the aftermath of last month’s fatal shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has been clear: It’s time to end the decades-long stalemate on gun control and enact laws to keep guns from falling into the wrong hands.
Of course, the majority of those laws inhibit law abiding citizens from exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights. Except for one mentioned
Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn) is among the co-sponsors, along with Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), of a bill that would bring improvements to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The bill, which also enjoys bipartisan support in the House, was introduced after last year’s mass shooting in a rural Texas church showed breakdowns in information being fed to the system. The bill essentially strengthens existing law, and passage should be a no-brainer. The same can be said about legislation banning bump stocks — devices made notorious by the Las Vegas gunman who used them to kill 58 people in the country’s deadliest mass shooting in the modern era.
I personally have no problem with either. Interestingly, it is Democrats who are blocking both, because they are scared that if they pass, Republicans will not do more gun grabbing. Seriously, the WPEB should read their own newspaper, which reported just a few days ago that Democrats, including Murphy, have been downplaying Murphy’s bill (direct link to WaPo piece). I wonder why the WPEB forgot to mention this bit of news?
It is time for Congress to act on these most modest of reforms — and to tackle more ambitious and needed changes. A recent Politico-Morning Consult poll showed that 88 percent of Americans now support universal background checks, 81 percent think a person should be at least 21 to buy a gun, 70 percent favor a ban on high-capacity magazines and 68 percent think assault-style weapons should be banned. If Congress continues to ignore the public’s clamor for reasonable gun-control legislation, voters should use the upcoming midterm elections to reiterate the message.
Yes, we should ban assault style weapons. And they are, because citizens cannot legally possess automatic weapons (unless they qualify for the ATF stamp, and your average citizen won’t get it). High capacity magazines are already banned in California. That didn’t stop the San Bernadino, California shooter (who was also an Islamist). Since many of the mass shootings over the past few years have been committed by by Islamists in the name of Islam, the WPEB should be good with banning Islamists, right?

We do not have a stable person in our White House. We do not have a president, we have a reality show actor.
Anything done to make America Better will be accomplished DESPITE tRump.
He’s confused.
He’s describing Zippy.
What does “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state…” mean in the context of this Amendment? Why was it included at all?
Could the writer, James Madison, have thought we should have actual well regulated militias to fight against a tyrannical government, especially a government poised to take away your slaves? Do we have a well regulated militias now capable of overthrowing a tyrannical government?
It wasn’t until 2008 that an activist court declared that Americans had the “right” of nearly unfettered access to individual firearms, even though that had been the de facto case for decades.
Your guns are more likely to harm you or your friends/family/loved ones than to protect you from a gang banger. Do we have a well regulate militia? Why was that phrase inserted by Madison?
Have you always been this nignorant, little black fella?
Ever read the 9th Amendment?
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
There’s your right for the public to be armed and we had it long before there was a US of A.
‘Twas a case of poor writing, I’m afraid, but a plain examination of clear English notes that the independent clause does not depend on the preface.
In 1776, Thomas Gage, the Royal Governor of Massachusetts, ordered the confiscation of all firearms from the citizens of Boston; do you believe that the revolutionary generation of leaders, who knew of this outrage, would have not wanted the individual right to keep and bear arms protected?
Mr Madison’s home and congressional district were close to the frontier; do you think that Representative Madison would have thought that the federal government should have the power to disarm Americans living so close to the Indian threat?
The United States was a primarily rural country; is it reasonable to believe that the Framers would have pondered the federal government having the authority to take the weapons with which the people hunted for their food away from them?
We are, of course, aware that totalitarian governments, such as those run by Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Chairman Mao, believe that the people must be disarmed. That the American left, with its own authoritarian bent, would want to curtail the rights of free Americans is unsurprising.
The absolute HOLY and God ordained natural rights of the people as listed in the bill of rights predate all law and government. They cannot and will not be removed. This is non negotiable. I will never peacefully surrender my weapons or any of the rights they protect. I have the right to kill anyone that try’s to remove or abridge them. I don’t care how anyone feels about that-or anything else. Leave me alone and be left alone. But try and make me a slave by removing my gun(s) and GOD ALMIGHTY gives me the right to hunt you down and kill you. Any questions? BFYTW.
Of course, even if there was a god or gods, he or she never left any verifiable orders related to gun ownership.
I have a question.
Are you saying you have the right to kill a politician that even attempts to pass a law “abridging” your God-given rights to possess an AR-15 type rifle?
“Of course, even if there was a god or gods, he or she never left any verifiable orders related to gun ownership.”
Luke 22:36
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Just imagine if they’d had AR-15s instead. More than just an ear cut off, I bet.
We wish your Jesus had been in Newtown CT that day…
He is not allowed in public schools anymore.
Touche’, hillbilly.
So much for omnipotence…
YES! And You. And anyone else involved in trying to take them. Better 5 billion dead than one confiscated firearm or one abridged right. Again this is non negotiable. All gun control is treason, and the first step toward genocide. Take one and we kill all of you or you kill all of us in the civil war that follows. I really don’t care about your “feelings” in this. Gun control is always followed by the genocide of those who give up their absolute rights to scum like you. Better to die killing your enemy than in a communist party death camp. Call us whatever comes into your evil little child mind. But you push gun control to murder our children and that only happens after you kill us all. NO MORE “NEGOTIATION” Not now. Not EVER. In the 20 years between 1995 and 2015 the NICS registered almost 300 million guns sold and OVER 11 trillion rounds of ammunition. That was ONLY for that twenty years. There were almost 1 BILLION firearms manufactured or imported into the US in the century before that. Most of them “military” and all of them untraceable. You will never get them. and we will kill a shit load of you if you try. If you try and take my absolute and god ordained rights. Then yes I have the right to hunt you down and kill you. ANY OF YOU. ALL OF YOU. I am not an NRA member, Nor do I follow the Peace god Jesus. It would be my joy to die in battle and be taken to Vallhalla! NO MORE. Your move, commie.
We can only hope you die in your struggle. The sooner, the better. Peace out.
The editorial board wrote:
All of the laws necessary to have kept Nikolas de Jésus Cruz from legally buying an AR-15 were already in place; the problem was that the Broward County Sheriff’s Department and the School Board didn’t enforce them!
Had the local officials done their f(ornicating) jobs, Señor Cruz would have had, at the very least, a criminal record, and possibly been in jail, and wouldn’t have been able to pass the instant background check.
The way to keep “guns from falling into the wrong hands” is strictly to enforce our existing laws, to treat juvenile delinquents like juvenile delinquents, to treat criminals like criminals, and remove them, as much as possible, from civilized society.
Instead, we have the left wringing their collective hands about the ‘school to prison pipeline,’ and not putting people who should be locked up in prison. In this case, it has come back to bite them in the ass, but, not to worry, they won’t change their was in the slightest, and they’ll keep treating criminals leniently, and, soon enough, another one of these Cruz-type idiots is going to shoot up another school. That won’t faze them at all, but simply be turned into yet another argument for curtailing the rights of people who haven’t broken the law.
The US imprisons more people than any other nation, and yet we have more mass shootings.
Where in our Constitution do you find the right to possess a rifle designed to kill human beings wholesale?
Can’t wait to see Hillary in on of those overcrowded prisons. The reason for mass shooting is that the liberal have destroyed mental health care and we have crazy people running around.
You don’t understand the Constitution and the nature of our government. In fact you don’t know or understand much.
What we have seen is that mass shootings are often the results of liberal policies and beliefs. Whether it be “gun free zones” or the attack of liberals on the traditional family or the attack on traditional values, it always seems that some sort of liberal policies and beliefs have played a large part.
In their zeal to restrict the rights of law abiding citizens, what liberals fail to realize is that guns are used in defense and in the prevention of crimes more than they are used in the actual completion of crimes.
Depriving law abiding citizens of the right to defend themselves would make more victims, not less.
So a failure for people to follow the laws results in more illegal shootings?
Is that really where you want to go?
If liberal policies cause mass shootings, why don’t the even more liberal policies throughout Europe lead to more mass shootings there?
Do you really feel you have a right to possess any weapon you please? Or anything you please? Are there any limits?
They have, nignoramous, you could look it up but we already know that not only are you an angry little black fella but a lazy one too.

The better question is that do you believe that you have the right to limit other people’s rights without any compelling governmental interest other than “criminals use the item illegally?”
This is simply a distraction on your part. Heavy weapons are already regulated. However, if you want to rid the world or the US of guns, please turn yours in to the local police department.
We all know you won’t because you would rather tell people to do rather than do it yourself.
My only semi-automatic weapons are a couple of Remington Model 1100s with 3 shell capacity.
All the rest are either single shot, lever or pump action. I do have a vintage Colt 6 shooter, though.
AR-15 style rifles are just silly. Have you heard of any serious proposals to confiscate ALL firearms? Didn’t think so. Would eliminating even all semi-automatics rifles and pistols eliminate all murders? Of course not. But if a right-wing murderer (or TEACH’s “Islmamists”) had to reload after every 3 shots it would slow them down. And let’s be honest, the AR-15 “army man” style with 10 or more shot magazines serves no societal purpose in the hands of civilians. Viagra works better, with fewer side effects (fewer dead children).
Moron labe.
I find it in the Amendment you quoted: the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
If they aren’t waiting for gun control legislation, am I to expect some fellas to drop by my house to round up my weapons? Because that would make my day, I love company.
“The US imprisons more people than any other nation, yet we have more mass shootings.†And what would one have to do with the other? As the third most populous country, one would expect the US to be near the top.
Guy’s; Jeffery is a pathetic creature. He has no gods. He believes in nothing and no one. He has no hope. His only “feelings” are hate, and anger, and envy. He lives in a world without love, sterile and pointless, with only bitterness and regret in front of him for the rest of his vacant , selfish life. Even if every gun vanished at dawn. He would still need something to hate. Someone to look down on. A reason to justify his failure at life. He is nothing and never will be. Somewhere in his twisted heart he knows that he is the worthless nothing everyone has believed him to be all of his miserable life. Pity him. Hate is all he has.
I have no gods because there are no gods. By all means show us evidence of your gods, angels and demons. Your entire life depends on myths.
You typed: Better 5 billion dead than one confiscated firearm or one abridged right.
Really? Is keeping military grade weaponry out of the hands of miscreants worthy of the deaths of over 70% of humankind? Really?
Please, slime back into your bunker and leave decent people alone.
When you murder 50 innocent children in a local school we’ll be able to say we should have alerted the FBI. Some solace.
The deteriorating before our eyes cg types:
You imagine you have some “people’s right” to military grade weaponry. Is there a compelling interest in limiting the right of lunatics to military grade weaponry? You betcha! Nation after civilized nation has proved this point. We have the highest homicide rate AND more mass shootings than any other advanced nation.
We get it. Because you’re perpetually afraid, you fvcking love your guns, but because of your personal fears, children are murdered.
Your “right” to have military grade hardware is about to be “infringed”. We’re sorry, but’s it’s for the common good.
We get it. People like Little Ray are perpetually terrified. We feel sorry for them, sitting at home, clutching their “army man” gun, hoping some Black gangbanger, sword wielding Muslim or drug crazed Mexican tries to kick their door in. Their fantasy is to be a hero. Sad.
And harmful to the nation. Ray is more likely to shoot himself, a neighbor or a family member than he is to kill a marauding gangbanger. His gun makes him feel safer, even though it makes him less safe.
TEACH typed, incorrectly: Since many of the mass shootings over the past few years have been committed by by Islamists in the name of Islam, the WPEB should be good with banning Islamists, right?
For the nignorant angry little black fella…
to point out a few of the many, you lazy cvnt.
Muslims are less than 1% of the United States population, but 33% of major mass shootings.
For the nignoramous amongst us.
That’s one US mass murder by “Islamists”. Go on…
In fact, the far-right, and especially Islamophobes such as Horowitz and Spencer, lie about the facts. They deny the “overrepresentation” of Con Men as mass murderers in America.
Yet they present facts.
The nignorant angry little black fella presents nignorance of the facts.
Is loose shoes too lazy to look them up?
We may need to ban Islamists and Con Men to keep our children safe.
On Tuesday night in Clinton MO, three officers responded to a disturbance call (but the dispatcher sent them to the WRONG address!). There, the resident Mr. Waters, defended his home and family by shooting at the home invading officers, killing one, Officer Ryan Morton. Mr. Waters also ended up shot and killed, although it’s unclear by whose hand.
Officer Morton was only 30 years old and a veteran.
Do you agree that citizen Waters had the right to defend his home from officers invading by accident?
Our defender of fascism asked:
Only a limp-wristed liberal would think that law-abiding citizens do not have the right to defend themselves. Yeah, the police made a mistake, but they were attacking the home of someone who was doing no wrong. That Officer Morton and Mr Waters were killed due to the Dispatcher’s error is regrettable, but Mr Waters had every right to defend his home.
Do I have a “god” given right to shoot anyone who shows up on my property, whether civilian or police?
How do we know that the “mailman” of FEDEX delivery girl don’t mean us harm? Can I shoot them?
How silly can you get? The police weren’t delivering a package or today’s junk mail; they were trying to force their way in to the residence.
Jeffery-“Because you’re perpetually afraid…..â€. That’s hilarious coming from people who are perpetually afraid of a trace gas necessary to life on earth.
That “trace” gas, CO2, is actually causing the Earth to warm for everyone.
The bad guy at your door is an illusion.
No jeff you have not shown any association of CO2 with a thing.
That “trace gas†is greening the earth. All the rest is gazing into a magic 8-ball.
Can you prove the link between “greening” and the increase in atmospheric CO2?
Wait while I get the popcorn… …… ………
OK, go!