…is an evil plane which spews atmosphere cancer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on Hillary’s opinion and $7.50 getting her a latte’ at Starbucks.

…is an evil plane which spews atmosphere cancer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on Hillary’s opinion and $7.50 getting her a latte’ at Starbucks.
A deeper dive into US healthcare costs…
Twice as costly, many worse outcomes, lower life expectancy, and only 90% have coverage. And tRumpKare (GOPKare) promises to make it all worse.
Let’s just say that you have no idea about heath care cost, much like your lack of knowledge about most everything. Health care cost are driven by the government at multiple levels. Almost all cost are indexed off Medicare. Private insurance uses Medicare as a starting point on contracts with doctors and hospitals. Doctors and hospitals are given a schedule of approved charges that they must follow or they are arrested for fraud. This means that even if you change nothing or consistently too low, you have broken the law. As too results, pure bull.
As a thought experiment, look at fed expenditures in higher education versus tuition over time, now look at fed expenditures on healthcare versus cost. Look at average outcomes over time for both. Now look for free riders funded over time in both systems – admins and support staff in both higher education and healthcare – what do you see? What conclusions do you come to?
We conclude that Americans spend twice as much as other advanced nations on healthcare per person. The JAMA article pointed out that the US healthcare system spends much more on administration and support than the systems of other nations.
The other wealthy nations have various types of systems that are government regulated. They cover all their residents, with good outcomes, for half as much per person.
We spend an extra $1 trillion a year, every year, transferring $1 trillion from the working classes to doctors, insurance companies, pharma companies, device manufacturers, hospitals, investors etc.
Read and learn.

We report, you deride.
Sorry, but the scientists who conducted the study have more credibility than you.
Do you think they neglected to blame Medicare because they get NIH grants and wanted to protect their gravy train?
Another Gun Just Went Off In A School
There were no injuries. This time.
By Sebastian Murdock
How well will it go when even less well-trained people have guns in school?
“school resource officer” with firearm = local sheriffs deputy assigned to the school
So a Dem, in a gerrymandered solid GOP district (which the courts have dissolved anyway) where tRump won by 20 points, is in a dead heat with the Repub. The GOP poured millions into the race, tRump visited, Baby Doc visited (wearing a hair net). And it’s a dead heat.
The tRumpitistas will lose the House in 2018. What does it mean?
In a 2007 radio interview Stormy Daniels said she’d been banging the married Don Juan tRump about twice a month. tRump was married to Melania at the time and son Baron was about 1 year old. Daniels DID say of the three famous men that were porking her at the time that tRump was the best in bed, so there is that.
Just keep telling yourself, that like you, he hates Black men and gets off seeing Mexicans in handcuffs.
Back back here on earth….https://twitter.com/larryelder/status/952951735844139008?s=21
“He hates blacks and like seeing Mexicans in handcuffsâ€. Translated, means J ran out of facts to argue. Surprise. And by the way, that would be Mexican invaders, not Mexicans.