Democrats are so cute when they’re pandering
(The Hill) Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence to mark one month since the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.
Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) both spoke to the demonstrators, while other Democrats such as Sen. Richard Blumenthal (Conn.), Rep. Ted Deutch (Fla.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (Minn.) were spotted in the crowd.
“[We are] representing in Congress the students who have sacrificed so much, spoken so eloquently, commanded the attention of the nation,” Pelosi told the crowd. “We are all moved by your eloquence and fearless insistence on action to prevent gun violence.”“Don’t give up the fight! We will win,” added Schumer.
These are all people who have, at least during the work day, armed security protecting them. And not just with handguns. There are more powerful rifles available to all the security for the various Congressional work buildings (the Capital building and the two office buildings), ones which would be considered “weapons of war”, as the current talking point goes, as they are automatic weapons, which you cannot legally own.
A large crowd of students surrounded progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), whose 2016 presidential campaign was buoyed by support from younger voters. Sanders, speaking through a megaphone, thanked the students for their protest and declared that student protesters were “leading the nation” in the conversation on gun violence.
“All across this country, people are sick and tired of gun violence, and the time is now for all of us together to stand up,” Sanders said.
Un huh
Bernie Sanders Addresses Anti-Gun Rally Under Heavily-Armed Police Guard
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) March 14, 2018
He had at least three armed guards, who kept telling the kids to stay back. Why do Democrats want kids to be denied the same protection they themselves have during the place they spend the day?
Oh, and then we have this
Try jumping the fence and see if it is a gun free zone.

Ammosexual cult.
Do you deliberately miss the point or are you just this dense? Armed security guards rarely, if ever, walk into schools, malls or streets and gun down innocent people. It’s always private citizens with access to AR-15 type rifles. Do you have a point? We wish the NRAs “good guys with guns” in the general citizenry would actually save a child or a sister or a son… but they don’t. They kill children, sisters and sons. Cult.
Do you really advocate that citizens have access to the same weaponry as our military? Cult.
You and the other ammosexuals appear to be deliberately conflating issues.
Can you spell out what you want to happen in schools? Allow teachers to carry (stupid)? Allow students to carry (stupider)? Armed guards (OK)?
Try taking a White House tour with your Glock. Cult.
Ammosexual cult.
Their school is a gun free zone. It’s on the sign down by the street. Happy now?
The civilian version of the AD-15 is not used by the military.
All the left has is hate – even hatred of facts.
The TEACH was talking about security guards, including the Secret Service, around politicians. The Secret Service does have access to automatic weapons.
In case you missed it:
It sounds as if The TEACH is advocating the same auto weapons for civilians.
Try reading your own words:
You tried to make the link between a civilian AR15 and a military weapon.
The hatred in you make you fail to see the connection. Hate is all leftists have.
You have officially descended into madness. Sad. On one time you were worthy.
“These are all people who have security protecting them..â€. Yes, apparently the children don’t count as much as the politicians. Who knew liberals were such hypocrites?…
Are you now advocating that school children be armed? I’ve heard no one object to more security at schools, just that arming teachers is stupid. Limiting access to ammosexuals carrying semi-autos by having armed guards at entrances is acceptable. Arming teachers is stupid.
The deranged ammosexuals who attack school children are by and large suicidal and don’t expect to come out alive. An ammosexual in body armor and carrying a AR-15 type rifle with several high-capacity magazines would quickly overmatch a teacher with a pistol.
Get serious about protecting school children or get run over.
Dylann Roof’s charming sister… she took a knife and pepper spray to school. Would you let her have a gun?’s-sister-morgan-to-protesting-classmates-i-hopeyall-get-shot/ar-BBKeS1a?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp
On what grounds would you refuse her the right to own a gun?
On what grounds would you have refused Nikolas Cruz the right to own a gun?
If existing law and procedure had been followed, and with proper due process, he likely would have been denied owning a fire arm on the grounds of mental illness.
Morgan Roof is facing two weapons charges and a drug charge – in a school, no less. If she’s convicted or takes a plea, should her rights to AR-15s be restricted?
Was Nikolas Cruz ever charged with anything before he slaughtered kids and teachers?
Nightgown? Are you there? No answer?
Oh, sorry, I have a life and replying to you is waaaaay down on my priority list.
If conviction or plea bars her from owning a fire then yes, as per current law she would be barred from owning a gun. But only after being convicted because she has the right to due process. Another one of those pesky, constitutional rights that the left likes to try and ignore.
Now, why haven’t you answered my question? Seems that it is YOU that doesn’t have an answer.
You should not have a gun. If they change the background checks, they will come for you.
You should not have a computer keyboard.
Federal law already allows that people who make what are considered to be “true threats” can have weapons taken away and face a hearing on that.
One must wonder why leftists argue against gun laws already in place.
It’s because they aren’t interested in solving anything. They are only interested in hate.
How much so?
Obama and the left supported allowing suspected criminals with active warrants being able to pass NICS background checks.
from your own citation, in the always suspect Daily Caller:
The Daily Caller article cited this WaPo article:
It started late in the Obama DOJ but was brought to fruition after tRump took office. Have you contacted tRump to urge his DOJ to add the fugitives back to the list? Do you agree that anyone with an outstanding warrant, even for a misdemeanor, should be prevented from possessing a firearm? I can agree to that.
We get it Jeffery. The deletion started under Obama who made the decision.
We get it. tRump could have rescinded any order but decided to double down and remove hundreds of thousands of fugitives from the list.
Are YOU pressuring tRump to reinstate the fugitives to the list so that those with outstanding warrants can’t get guns?
Or is this like your “abortion is murder” stance, all typing and no action?
Or, on what grounds shouldn’t others have the ability to defend themselves? But that’s right, liberals are ok with politicians being protected, but not school children.
Do you have a point?
If you want to install armed guards at all the access points of schools, exactly like the politicians have, we can agree with you. Giving teachers guns will injure more kids than it will save.
The US has a long history of teachers and students with guns. In all that time, how many teachers shot and killed a student?
(Quick answer: none.)
How many times have teachers and students died because they were unable to defend themselves? How many had been disarmed by the hating leftists?
The blood of those people is on the left’s hands.
Hate – it’s what drives the left.
You have descended into dishonest madness. Enjoy your visit. Let us know when you decide to leave. Have you made that appointment with a geriatric medicine specialist yet? Maybe “Dr” dave can suggest someone?