But, hey, there would be no problem with government following and implementing all sorts of new gun grabbing regulations, right?
Dozens of gun permits issued without background checks in N.J. town
The Carteret Police Department may have issued more than three dozens gun permits over the past two years without running background checks on the buyers and, in five of those cases, authorities are trying to pull owners’ permits.
The Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office confirmed the investigation Monday and said it has found that 38 possible permits or firearms purchaser identification cards were issued since 2015 without a complete review, including a check of mental health or criminal records.
The prosecutor’s office has also filed a motion in Superior Court to revoke the permits in five cases where there are “serious statutory” issues, Middlesex County Prosecutor Andrew Carey said.
It was unclear how many background checks were done in total over that time.
Well, I’m sure it’s the fault of the gun.
In New Jersey, local police departments are responsible for vetting applicants seeking firearms ID cards and handgun purchase permits by contacting references and checking mental health status. Police then submit their information to the State Police for a formal background check.
The question not answered in this article is whether these people passed the NICS background check to start. Certainly, we see that the police failed to do all the draconian governmental checks meant to make it a lot harder for people to exercise their 2nd Amendment Right.

As I understand it, permission to purchase a firearm is supposed to be given (or in rare cases denied) in 30 days. It can take 3 months, 6 months, a year or more depending on the local law enforcement (or the New Jersey State Police).
Doesn’t matter that “If an applicant qualifies for a permit to purchase a handgun or FPIC, the permit or FPIC shall be issued within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application”.
We need a new law!!
But nobody is enforcing current law!!
That’s why we need a new law!!
So nobody can enforce the new law!!
Rinse and Repeat…
A GOPher candidate in KY threatened to shoot a Dem there.
Don’t bad mouth guns or the NRA or the ammosexuals will shoot you!
Good job Mr. Resource Office, Blaine Gaskill! Some kids probably owe their lives to you.
Two wounded – and the young gun nut shooter dead.
The shooter was a Nascar fan and was born in Tennessee. His dad is from Nebraska served in the Air Force, who had previously posted about his support of the second amendment on Facebook. He shared the YouTube video, “I Like Guns,†by Steve Lee. He bragged about owning guns.
The shooter was reported to have had a semi-auto pistol.
So a guy with a gun stopped a criminal and yet the left wants to disarm everyone.
The left hates lives of the innocent and has blood on their hands.
Disarm everyone? You’ve become a liar and propagandist. Sad. But take guns away from mass shooters, yes. Have trained armed security, yes.
A “guy”? You’ve become a liar. Not exactly. He was a trained professional who bravely did his job, undoubtedly saving others. Not a teacher. Not some guy walking by. Because of your own personal fears, You and your frightened ilk would have teachers, parents, janitors, even students armed. What could go wrong with teenagers in school carrying pistols?
This time the only fatality was the mass shooter, probably because he didn’t use your weapon of choice, an AR-15 type rifle with a high capacity magazine favored by mass shooters and frightened right-wing ammosexuals. Evidently, you and your frightened ilk think the school would have been safer if the mass shooter had more effective weaponry. How does that make sense?
The NRA and the their frightened sycophants hates lives of the innocent and have blood on their hands. These attacks happen with regularity here in this US that the NRA and their frightened sycophants have created. We have several mass shootings a year. Why doesn’t the rest of the advanced world? Maybe they are just genetically/socially/psychologically superior to us inherently violent Americans. Or maybe they keep mass shooter firearms out of the hands of mass shooters.
Why do you lie? I have yet to see any serious suggestions of arming students. What is being talked about is having school staff VOLUNTEERS to be trained just as police are to handle a firearm and properly respond to an active shooter situation. Are you saying that teachers and/or school staff are incapable or too stupid to be able to be properly trained? Also, why did you single out janitors? Do you think that just because they do that job that they are especially too stupid to be trained? Talk about bigotry and profiling.
Those ‘advanced’ countries still have mass murder events. The maniacs just use different means such as fire, bombs, trucks, knives, poison or even still find some way to use a gun. The inherently violent HUMAN will find a way.
Are you familiar with the 2nd Amendment?
There is no mention of a lower age limit. As eloquently argued here by The TEACH and Mr. Dana, the text of our Constitution is our final arbiter – not the Supreme Court or the legislatures. By what right do you have to keep AR-15s and Glock40s out of the hands of school children?
“Training” teachers, janitors, vice-principals, cooks and librarians seems inefficient (and inherently dangerous) compared to hiring already trained guards and hardening the facilities (limit entrances, impenetrable classroom doors etc). Couple that with more restrictions on AR-15 type rifles, high capacity magazines (i.e., Mass Shooting Rifles or MSRs) and semi-auto pistols and maybe we can make some headway in stopping this weekly murder of children and others.
The actual data shows that other wealthy nations do not have the number of mass shooting (or mass murders) as we do. We do understand that the disgraced right-wing John Lott and his CPRC routinely publishes lies that argue that EU nations have MORE gun violence than the US but he’s lying to you, fudging the numbers based on the Brevik and Charlie Hebdo attacks. The US has more mass shootings than the other nations combined.
You haven’t been watching the left that is screaming for people to not be able to have weapons, have you?
Even you with your ridiculous claim that no one should have a “weapon that was designed for the military” shows that you want to disarm everyone.
Have you ever seen anyone on this or any other site saying that people who are mass shooters should have a weapon? You haven’t, you your whole comment is, as always a leftist lie.
What would be more effective? Enforcing the laws that are in place or writing new laws that only make criminals out of law abiding citizens?
The left has blood on their hands.
Wait….so the the shooter didn’t use what you say should be banned because it is used by mass killers?
Imagine that. The facts don’t line up with your rhetoric.
Yes, he was a “guy.” He wasn’t a female and he wasn’t “gender fluid.” He was a guy. Since you don’t think he was a guy, (even though you use the masculine pronoun) who is this person, Jeffery?
Once again in your hatred, you want to assign your hatred to others. It’s all you have.
Let’s see…..the NRA and the right support the right of people to defend themselves which stops hundreds of thousands of crimes a year. The left hates that idea.
The NRA and the right advocate weapons training. The left doesn’t want anyone to have a weapon so there is no need for training.
The NRA and the right advocates in following the laws that are on the books when it comes to weapons and the NICS. The left is against that and did not follow the laws which resulted in the Parkland shooting.
The blood of the innocents in on the hands of the left who in their Planned Parenthood bought euphoria of killing the young, wants more blood on their hands.
All you have is hate as you desperately try to cleanse your hands of blood.
It always comes back to abortion…
The blood is on your hands. You support our bizarre gun culture, leading to the highest homicide rate of any wealthy nation, not to mention mass shootings . You support policies that lead to more abortions.
Elections have consequences and GOPhers and their lackeys are harming America.
In that you support the murder of kids and hate the idea that people should be able to defend themselves, you simply have no moral or ethical platform on which to stand.
If you define people’s rights as “bizarre,” then you are truly beyond hope and incapable of any reasonable discussion.
You support policies that lead to more abortions.
One cannot argue with the idea that wanting to stop the killing of young children leads to more killing. It makes no sense for anyone to even try.
That’s how desperate the hate filled left is.
Tell us all Jeffery, in the Maryland shooting, did a law preventing guns on campus stop the shooter? Or did another person with a guy stop the shooter?
In Parkland, was that shooter stopped by a security guard who, because of liberal policies, could not be armed?
We get it. You hate the young and you hate the rights of people.
All you have is hate.
You become dumber with each comment. Reading too much right-wing propaganda is not good for you.
As difficult as it is, we feel sorry for you, a pathetic shell of what was once an inquisitive mind. Our sympathies. Like tRump, you repeat yourself, a sign of dementia. As is your recent violent turn.
Did you ever contact a physician as we recommended? There are no cures but depending on the type of dementia there can be drugs and therapies that could slow what appears to be a rapid decline.
Answer just one question, please. If “allowing schoolchildren to defend themselves” is the only path to reducing mass shooting, why has the exact opposite approach nearly eliminated mass shootings in other wealthy nations? Shouldn’t these nations be having MORE mass shootings? (We know… that’s 2 questions.)
The Liar typed:
Abortion is not murder; not even you believe that. If you truly believed abortion was the murder of kids you’d grab your AR-15 and do something about it.
No, “abortion is murder” is just more hyperbole.
If you really believed that abortion is the murder of kids, your refusal to lift one tiny finger to stop it is the height of cowardice. Are you a coward?
You have blood on your hands from killing school children and by opposing social policies that reduce the need for abortions.
What is amazing is that you never really address anything that is factually against your fantasy world.
You have advocated for the confiscation of most weapons in this country and yet you won’t acknowledge it because you would rather speak in memes and talking points rather than a true discussion.
Question for you: do people have the right to defend themselves? (Unlike you, I can count.)
As for your question, we have previously addressed your point. It is a shame that you can’t remember what has been said.
Against ALL common sense, and putting their ideology above human safety, many ammosexuals think the strict regulation of machine guns is unConstitutional. Nuts.
But just the other day the nignorant angry little black fella falsely claimed Americans have unfettered access to guns.
JeffreyJeffery wrote:It has long been held that minors do not have all of the rights of adults. They cannot vote, they cannot have alcohol, they can be required to attend school. However, we should have the age of majority the same, 18, for everything, including the drinking age; it’s wholly unreasonable that people can be subject to all adult laws, and can join the Army, and be sent overseas into situations where they could be put in combat and possibly be killed, but they can’t buy a beer.
There are, of course, many social problems we could solve by simply eliminating our Constitutional rights. Eliminate due process, and we could bring urban crime to a virtual halt, by arresting, convicting and executing all of those people who just look like miscreants. Eliminate the First Amendment, and we could prevent bad people from spreading their message. Eliminate trial by jury, and we don’t have to worry about ‘wrong’ verdicts. Double jeopardy? Heck, if we use trials at all, just keep trying people until we get a conviction, no matter how many times it takes.
And if the left can just take away our rights, as recognized under the Second Amendment, then why can’t we similarly restrict, or eliminate, our natural rights as recognized under the rest of the Bill of Rights?
What does the Constitution say?
We disagree that the 2nd Amendment gives Americans the right to any and all firearms.
Ammosexuals and the men who love them intentionally conflate limiting the type of firearm/ or who can possess them, with banning all firearms.
We will never ban firearm possession in the US of A. Never. The goal is to reduce the access to some semi-auto weapons to reduce the carnage of mass shootings.
The Virginia Tech massacre was the most deadly school shooting, and it was done with a hand gun. We just don’t believe leftists would be satisfied to stop at AR-15s (as some democrats have already tried to push legislation to ban all semi-automatics), and we’re not taking any chances. None.
Dead children are a small price to pay to relieve your feelings of impotence.