March 21, 2018 – 6:11 pm
This is the problem when all politics are as personal as being naked (Fox News) An Iowa salon received major social media backlash this week after posting a photo of Ivanka Trump when she visited the store to get her hair styled before an event. Salon Spa W, in Des Moines’ East Village, posted a […]
March 21, 2018 – 1:00 pm
…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle that Other People should not be allowed to drive, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the Supreme Court slamming a California abortion law.
March 21, 2018 – 10:30 am
In fact, Warmists are saying that these tiny temperature increases are “frightening” CLIMATE CHANGE WILL NOT MAKE US NICER …. More than two centuries after Montesquieu, the notion that climate molds character is getting some support from modern science. A report published in November in the journal Nature Human Behaviour claimed that ambient temperature (that is, the temperature of […]
March 21, 2018 – 9:03 am
You have to love the gun grabbers: they’re happy to blow off the 4th Amendment as they assault the 2nd. Here’s Charlie Kirk and John Chachas losing their minds in the USA Today Parkland shooting spurs information age solutions for gun violence Big data already knows everything about us, so couldn’t it have stopped Nikolas […]
March 21, 2018 – 8:33 am
The police in California are probably outraged that Donald Trump’s government is refusing to cooperate, because resistance is only good when it’s Leftists doing #resist (Daily Caller) Border patrol agents are refusing to hand over illegal immigrants with felony warrants to police in California because they can’t be sure local authorities will return the criminal […]