The only service that should be available for illegal aliens is a one way trip back to their country of origin. With perhaps a stay in jail if warranted
New Study Shines Light On The Services Lacking For Immigrants In Ohio
A new report on Ohio immigrants finds a lack of adequate access to educational opportunities, trustworthy and affordable legal services and accessible and affordable healthcare.
“Our Pathway to a Brighter Future” is the result of 18 months of research by the Health Landscape of Cincinnati and others, and was designed to figure out what the immigration population looks like in Ohio and what services are lacking.
Immigration attorney Allison Herre of Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio worked on the report and is disturbed that there are fewer than 35 immigration attorneys in the entire state. “It really opens up the door for fraud in this area,” she says. “Immigrants are very susceptible, being scammed by non-immigration attorneys trying to just get money from them and telling them they can do things that they can’t really do.”
Another area of concern is reliable and affordable healthcare. The report says 25 percent of foreign-born non-citizens are uninsured when compared to foreign-born naturalized at 6.5 percent and native born at 5.2 percent.
In addition, Herre says immigrants need more English classes and GED classes in Spanish. Just 39 percent speak English well.
Let’s break this down. First, the article doesn’t really say this study includes a heavy dose of illegal aliens. The study does, noting “those who have uncertain legal status” in the executive summary. But, the pro-illegal forces attempt to make legal immigrants and illegal aliens one and the same. And, a lot of those legally being settled in Ohio have been brought in as refugees, rather than people who wanted to become U.S. citizens.
Second, of course lawyers want more lawyers. Follow the money.
As for healthcare, illegal aliens aren’t our concern. Our citizens come first. And for legal immigrants, part of their citizenship requirement is that they be able to pay for their own lives. No government assistance. We would we want to bring in people who immediately go on the dole? Likewise, why would we bring in people who cannot communicate with U.S. citizens? People going through the citizenship process in full have to speak English, which means that there are quite a few in Ohio who are non-traditional immigrants and illegals.
The report says only a fraction of Ohio counties have ESOL services (English for Speakers of Other Languages). They are concentrated in Franklin County, with a smattering of services in Hamilton and Montgomery counties.
And? People coming to the U.S. should be able to communicate in our language before coming.
According to the report, there are 83,000 illegal aliens, or, undocumented immigrants as the study calls them, in Ohio. Which means there are probably at least double. And 4,000 “Dreamers”. The study, which starts to read more like a pro-illegal alien propaganda piece from Think Progress, even includes the thoughts of Maria, a DACA recipient, noting that she is “fearful on a day-to-day basis of how easily my status and my future can change with any decision by our current administration.â€
On the bright side, the study is calling for “philanthropy” to fund the services for the illegals. Which, of course, would soon turn to meaning “government should pay for it.”