There’s no doubt that R. Daryl Fisher, a candidate for Buncombe County sheriff, and a Democrat, has a lot of experience as a law enforcement officer. But, then there’s this
Any weapon that is designed for use by the military I think we should ban. You’ve heard people say you have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands. (shrugs) OK.
Video also available at Pacific Pundit.
He’s attempted to counter this with two posts, here and here, the latter being the big one, and has even told people discussing this in the Facebook comments to watch the whole video.
The video he ended up removing from his Facebook page. So brave!
And, in the latter one, we find this typical “oh, shit, I got caught” line
If you want to know what my statements were, listen to all of the videos in their entirety. There is one statement that many up to now have taken offense to. That statement starts out with language similar to, “Don’t believe the scare tactics,” and I say that some gun enthusiast might say, “You will have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands.” This is also a movie quote. The crowd laughed and I made a joke. I admit the joke was a mistake and I should not have joked. But I go on to relay that the government cannot take away any guns or any items that were legally sold before any new laws take effect. To do this would be unconstitutional because that would constitute what is called an ex post facto law. Responsible gun owners have nothing to worry about. We have to do something different because what has been done is not working.
Just a joke, people!
The proper response to this douchetard is to ask him ON CAMERA if he will be
“number one in the stack” as officers go in to each and every home to ‘pry them from their cold dead hands’. If he says anything other than ABSOLUTELY he’s to be shouted down as a COWARD who should apply for a job in Coward County Fl.
Not news. Communists have always favored the death of their political opposition.