I wonder if City Councilman Mitch O’Farrell has ever heard of the federal Bill Of Rights and the California Constitution?
(LA Times) A Los Angeles lawmaker wants the city to cut ties with companies that are linked to the National Rifle Assn., saying that its opposition to “common sense gun safety laws” is at odds with the city.
City Councilman Mitch O’Farrell introduced a proposal Wednesday asking city staffers to provide a list of all businesses and groups that have a “formal relationship” with the NRA and lay out options for boycotting them.
“It’s important that we send a message as a city with an annual budget approaching $9 billion,” O’Farrell said, invoking mass shootings in Newtown, Conn.; Orlando, Fla.; Las Vegas; and Parkland, Fla.; as well as gun violence that happens regularly across the country.
“It’s time to speak with one voice and call attention to the assault weapon epidemic,” the councilman said.
Let’s use the Washington Post’s word from earlier: insidious. Let’s use another: un-Constitutional. This would be a blatant violation of the Freedom Of Speech clauses in both the federal and California Constitutions. It’s against people engaged in their free speech and involvement in a private organization that petitions the government for redress of grievance, as well as protesting peaceably. And, while not specifically mentioned, you also have freedom of association
Legally, the freedom of association is considered to be a fundamental right protected by the Constitution. In the Supreme Court case of N.A.A.C.P. v. Alabama(1958), a unanimous Court ruled that the NAACP did not have to reveal to the Alabama attorney general the names and addresses of the NAACP members in the state because it would violate the NAACP members’ freedom of association. Writing for the Court, Justice John Marshall Harlan II said in the decision that…
Just the very notion of the city creating a List of Undesirable Associations should give people the chills. And what is a “formal” relationship? An owner that is a member of the NRA? A few employees who are members?
O’Farrell said he also had asked the City Council to hold off on approving an agreement between FedEx and the Harbor Department to operate a warehouse and office space. FedEx has faced pressure from gun control advocates to stop providing discounted shipping for members of the NRA.
“We have a choice — and they have a choice,” O’Farrell said, arguing that FedEx could follow the path of other companies such as Delta Air Lines that have ended such discounts or other ties. “They could join in this sensible movement to discourage the proliferation of guns.”
This is the kind of abusive government that the 2nd was put in for: because sooner or later the government comes and tries to take the guns. Liberals like O’Farrell should remember how dangerous it is to set a precedent, because this could be turned around some day to go after Leftist groups.

Like the nignorant angry little black fella this councilweasel has no clue about that which he bloviates.
There is no “assault weapon epidemic”.
And a Hitler cartoon no less.
tRump is leading his minions deeper and deeper into conspiratorial insanity.
So the 2nd Amendment was to keep government entities from choosing with whom to conduct business? You’re ready to shoot people with your AR-15s for suggesting that a government not send taxpayer money to the NRA?
Maybe you should read Federalist Paper 29 for refresher on the 2nd Amendment.
^See, told ja so.^
Have you ever figured out why our man jeff keeps referring to himself in the pleural. Clearly he is nuts, but there does not seem to be more than one obnoxious personality inhabiting his body.
Probably because of the way his mammy raised him along with some hillbilly interbreeding along the way.
The cartoon is the cover of a book, genius.
Maybe you should read a little something on Dr Goebbels boycotts of Jewish businesses.
Yes, we’re familiar with Goldberg’s book. And a Hitler cartoon being the cover of right-wing “book” is relevant because….?
Godwin’s Law dictates that TEACH lost the argument.
Federalist 29 is not the only writing on the 2nd Amendment.
Hamilton’s position in that paper was a discussion of whether citizens had the right to form militias as opposed to depending on a Federal standing army.
The right to bear arms and defend one’s life and liberties was not a point of debate – it was a given. If someone would have argued that people did not have the right to protect their lives and rights, they would have been laughed out of the public eye.
In Federalist 46, Madison wrote (once again talking about the value of militias against a Federal army):
Notice the progression: Americans are armed, which then allows the creation of a militia. It is not the militia that creates a right to be armed. The right exists and neither Hamilton or Madison ever questions that right.
This right was demonstrated in OK a few days ago:
People on the left hate single mothers and children to the point they would not allow them to defend their lives and so they want to disarm them.
Hate is all the left has.
Typing “Hate is all the left has” is all gc has.
Do you actually believe that our 2nd Amendment gives you the right to an AR-15 type assault weapon with a high capacity magazine? Our Supreme Court refuses to review bans on assault weapons.
Let the semantics begin.
Hey, nignorant angry little black fella, AR’s along with multiple high capacity magazines are flying off the shelves down here.
Libs haven’t quite figured out that their gun grabbing rhetoric is probably the best and cheapest sales pitch in the world for firearm dealers.
They love it.
So keep it up, ya little dumbfvcks.

Remington sales dropped 30% and they filed for bankruptcy.
Thanks, little dumbfvck.
It is really sad to see that you cling to the notion that words that you use in ignorance don’t mean anything.
They don’t add to the discussion. They only add to the lies and hate you spread.
(BTW – don’t think we don’t remember that when you started posting here, you didn’t know the difference between a clip and a magazine, supported those who didn’t know and said the difference was irrelevant.)
In that the civilian variant of the AR15 is not an “assault weapon” any more than a sauce pan is, your question is meaningless. Does your daughter in law know that you want to disarm her?
By “poorly thought out,” I presume you mean “an opinion that Jeffery cannot counter or deal with in an intellectual manner.” Even so, you keep asking that silly question and it keeps getting answered and you won’t respond to the answer. It is clear you aren’t interested or are incapable of an actual debate.
In other words, you have shown a hatred of facts, a hatred of logic, a hatred of your daughter in law, a hatred of her choices and a hatred of her right to defend herself.
All the left has is hate.
Once again, Jeffery, the civilian AR-15 is not an “assault rifle.” Your question is therefore a hypothetical based on a lie in which you attempt to demonized those with whom you agree because you hate them.
You hate the idea of people being able to defend themselves.
You hate the elderly and want them to be victims and even killed because you want to leave them unable to defend themselves.
All the left has is hate.
Here, fishy-fishy… As predicted, the Semantician rises to the bait.
You don’t know the difference between an assault weapon and an assault rifle? You probably don’t know a magazine from a clip. Or a .223 from a 5.56 mm? What kind of semantician are you??
Is the AR-15 type assault weapon the only means of self-defense? Or the best? (My beloved daughter-in-law keeps a 20g Model 1100 for protection.)
Why do mass shooters prefer the Mass Shooting Rifle (MSR) over all others? Predictably, next week a right-winger braised in white nationalist blogs such as this will shoot up a school, or a Mosque or a mall. He’ll use an MSR.
In your poorly thought out opinion, does our 2nd Amendment give you the right to keep and bear an assault weapon?
All the Semantician has left is semantics. And lies. And ignorance.
As always, it will hurt LA more than the companies.
I’ll bet that LA and Berkeley and similar cities will call for bans of organizations with 3rd party affiliations with organizations that don’t fit their leftist progressive visions. I’ve certainly heard leftists use 3rd party affiliation connections to smear enemies in speeches. If FedEx has a discount alliance with a car rental agency, and that car rental agency gives discounts to NRA members or does business with the evil apartheid joos in Israel, then the city will not do business with Fedex. Freedom of association has six degrees of restriction to the totalitarian left.
Let’s not blame the shooter, let’s blame the NRA, which has nothing to do with it. Lib logic
And the Teabag Party refuses to pay Planned Parenthood for services. Life goes on…
Decent people refuse to pay for the murder of children. Life doesn’t go on for those murdered children.
There. Fixed that for you.
So why do you hate kids and want them dead, Jeffery?
Oh. Never mind. Hate is all the left has.
The Semantician has only semantics. And lies. And ignorance. You’d think he’d be at least as good at semantics as he is at lying and ignorance.
Abortion is not murder. You don’t even believe your own shit.
Only in the left’s world is the killing of a child not murder.
They even hate children because all the left has is hate.