I really don’t care that much about the article, which is about as loopy as it gets. I’m just getting a kick out of the headline. Someone must have had “insidious” as their word of the day
Trump’s transgender troop ban is as insidious as ever
PRESIDENT TRUMP announced a ban on transgender people in the military with a series of tweets last year that surprised many, including senior military leaders. There had been no study, no analysis, no consultation. That arbitrariness was one reason four federal judges have temporarily blocked the policy from going into effect. So when the latest iteration of the ban was rolled out last week, the White House made a point of stressing that it was accompanied by a 44-page Defense Department report and had the backing of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.
That, though, doesn’t make the process any less questionable. It also doesn’t make discrimination against transgender people any more acceptable. So let’s hope the courts see through this charade and strike down policies that would unjustly bar transgender people from the military.
The military has plenty of blocks on people with mental illness, and Believing that you’re the opposite sex certainly qualifies. Sure, they may be nice people. Hey, they might even make great members of the military. The gender confused are also much more likely to be depressed and suicidal, which could be a threat to not just themselves, but the people around them.
Nor should they be allowed to join the military just so that they can get the military to pay for their insane gender reassignment surgery and all the medical treatment leading up to it. The military is not here to be a therapy organization.
The ban unveiled Friday by the White House, which won’t go into immediate effect because of the pending court challenges, is slightly more nuanced than the total ban the president staked out in his July tweets. But the effect is no less insidious, in that it would prevent most transgender people from serving in the military and likely would lead to mistreatment and dismissal of some active-duty members.
Anyone with a history of gender dysphoria (the experience of incongruity between birth gender and gender identity) would be disqualified save for limited and undefined circumstances. Also disqualified would be transgender people who have undergone gender transition. Eligible for enlistment and retention are transgender people who agree to serve in their birth gender. As Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights observed, “It means you can’t be transgender.â€
You mean men have to be men and women have to be women? Such a “harmful but enticing” thought, eh?
Hey, here’s something that’s insidious: Leftists promoting the mental illness of being gender confused, saying that’s it’s OK.