March 30, 2018 – 5:33 pm
It’s always something with these people, who are often the same ones who complain about Christianity in public (but still want their holiday days off with holiday pay) Climate change vs. Easter bunnies Easter is still a great day for worship, candy in baskets, pagan equinox rituals and running around the yard finding eggs, but […]
March 30, 2018 – 1:00 pm
…are horrendous fossil fueled ships which will soon be necessary due to sea rise, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on a special counsel investigating the FBI.
March 30, 2018 – 10:16 am
See, if a baker refuses to bake a cake or a florist refuses to do flowers for a gay wedding because of their deeply held beliefs, well, they must be fined by the State and have their businesses and lives ruined. But, when a liberal does something similar… Sacramento Home For Sale But Not To […]
March 30, 2018 – 7:12 am
There might actually be a point to this, especially as we see so many white, upper middle class and white, rich celebs and politicians push for gun control Never Again: Is gun control movement too white? Is the new movement against gun violence that is sweeping America too white and too rich? It’s a question […]
March 30, 2018 – 6:50 am
Do I even have to write it? If Warmists really, really cared, they’d give up their own use of fossil fuels. And the NY Times would stop using fossil fuels to gather and distribute the news (though it seems a lot of the news gathering they do is simply reading hard left websites, rather than […]