…is a wonderful low carbon bike being ruined by high carbon pollution beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on the real March Madness.

…is a wonderful low carbon bike being ruined by high carbon pollution beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on the real March Madness.
Will President Donald J. sWamp fire the corrupt Pruitt next?? Grifters gotta grift…
Pruitt took gratuities from a company granted a permit from the EPA.
The Heifer took millions in bribes from Putin for Uranium 1.
Pruitt did nothing wrong.
Get over your own bad self, little nignorant black fella.
My kinda gal!
So “president” Donald J. sWamp wants to use US troops INSIDE the US to police the border.
Is that legal? 18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152
Yup, legal. Why are you so nignorant?
Yes, both Bush and Obama did it.
What will the National Guard do there?
Whatever their Commander tells them to do, ya little nignoramous.
So illegal immigration has dropped 80% since the 2000 peak, most of that drop during President Obama’s terms.
Now “president” dumbass wants to build a medieval wall and militarize our southern border.
He keeps pumping up his white nationalist base with tales of illegal immigrants flooding the nation and caravans storming the border.
The left hates America so much that they are willing to support lawbreakers and gang members.
Hate is all the left has.
Typing “Hate is all the left has” is all that gitar has.
And returning to the MWP (Medieval Wall Period) will help how?
Walls work.
Oh, the wall won’t stop all illegal immigration, but it will stop some of it, perhaps most of it. Any impediment you add to make illegal immigration more difficult reduces such border crossings.
Thanks for proving my point Jeffery.
You hate me not for any logical reason, but because all the left has is hate.
Hate is all you have.
Sort of like how the left keeps most of the black folk on the plantation by making up tales of white nationalists, and the rest of them with the NRA boogeyman. I get it.
Cute girl, but riding a bike, in a short, flippy skirt and flip-flops, while anchoring a case of beer? She might be cuter than she is smart.
What’s she going to do when that skirt flips up? Does she let go of the beer (heresy) or the handlebar?
It’s showtime!
I’m reading that in the voice of Richard Dawson from The Running Man.
After it’s built, you guys can do the same as what you do with the actual Medieval Warm Period-pretend it never existed. Problem-gone.