Insane Warmist alert
As Fossil Fuels Melt the Planet, Could Climate Change Cause a Nuclear Meltdown?
Nearly three dozen nuclear power plants are inadequately protected against major flooding guaranteed to occur after an upstream dam failure – flooding that could easily lead to an accident or meltdown on the scale of the 2011 nuclear power disaster in Fukushima, Japan.
Yet, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) – the federal agency responsible for protecting public health and safety from nuclear power mishaps – has been downplaying the risk and failing to ensure that the measures needed to avert disaster are implemented.
The article goes on to note a big problem with secrecy, most of which occurred under Obama, and this is real, and a real problem is happening (who would have thought govt would be secretive, especially under PBO? )
But, of course, the lunatics make it about their cult
What troubles CSPW – and should trouble us all – over the irresponsible and inappropriately secretive manner in which the NRC is mishandling the vulnerability of nuclear plants to flooding – is that the actual likelihood of a major nuclear incident caused by flooding is even greater than the probability determined by NRC’s risk analysis engineers. This is because their risk assessment calculations rely on past precipitation data that is not representative of the harsher weather and climate conditions we see today, such as severe storms and increased precipitation levels in certain regions of the US, caused by climate change. In fact, we see no evidence that the NRC is considering climate change impacts at all, as it evaluates overall risk of a nuclear power accident.
Unsurprisingly, the screed goes on to mostly come out against nuclear power. Half of Warmists are ok with nuclear, the other half, who are extreme enviroweenies, are against it.

OMG! The risk assessment engineers are using actual data to do their job instead of listening to your cult prophecies???
It’s so hard for them to keep on top of the prophecies. First, drought and heat was the new normal and a threat to nuclear power. Such as this:
Now they have to change their assessments to account for too much rain and storms?
Should they just quit their hopeless jobs and join the warmist cult?