Who’s surprised that all these Concerned Kids, raised on a diet of Spreading Awareness from their Leftist teachers, are failing to live the Warmists life?
College campuses need change concerning climate change
Did you know that globally, humans buy a million plastic water bottles per minute, according to Ford?
College campuses can often be filled with people who either care about the environment and who are aware of climate change, and others who could not care less and liter on a daily basis.
How can you prevent damaging the Earth for our generation and the future?
The article actually does a good job in offering ideas that are about kids taking action in their own lives, which they should have been doing already. My big issue, as you’ve read before, is conflating real environmental concerns, such as plastic pollution, with Hotcoldwetdry. The former is real, the latter is a bunch of moonbat droppingd.

Actually, the manufacture and shipping of water bottles is energy expensive as well leading to plastic trash.