Everybody panic?
Could climate change be ruining the taste of your favorite craft beer?
Craft beer is a $1 billion industry in Arizona, but a warmer environment has many in the industry worried about its future.
The business owners who run craft beer businesses were concerned about future water shortages and even the flavor of a key beer ingredient: Hops.
Tempe City Councilwoman Lauren Kuby said that by supporting local craft beer brewers, the public is helping both business and the environment.
“The best way you can defend beer and in some ways fight climate change, is by supporting local breweries who are really into the sustainability movement trying to save water, save energy,†Kuby said.
Professor Paul Hirt, an environmental history teacher at Arizona State University and a Salt River Project board member, said climate change affects the taste of beer through hops.
“Hotter summers are creating more of the bitter profile that brewers are not looking for,†Hirt said.
Unsurprisingly, Hirt is a critic of Trump’s Hotcoldwetdry policy (and probably everything else Trump). I wonder how much in the way of fossil fuels are used to ship said craft beers, and to operate the machinery which does things like pick the hops.
Regardless, these people are like flat earthers, always expecting the Earth to stay exactly the same at all times.

Idiots. Everything is static for leftists. Oil, food, weather, wealth, humans, animals, ocean currents… nothing is everrrrr supposed to change.
If the weather changes in hops-growing regions, farmers will do what they have always done. Change the crops. If it does get warmer/dryer, farmers in Canada will grow more hops. If it gets cooler, farmers in the south will grow more hops.
And we all won’t be forced to drink bitter beer because leftists fly jets to conferences.
Personally, I really like bitter beer. I am an adult, not a pampered liberal snowflake who needs soft watery beer made with rice and wheat.