Monthly Archives: April 2018

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Creeping Sharia, with a post on Islamist groups using lawfare against companies.

Bummer: More Than Half Of Americans Don’t Think Hotcoldwetdry Will Affect Them

And the less than half think that the more than half should be forced to give up their fossil fueled cars, pay carbon taxes and fees, and give up their freedom, you know (WFTV) The majority of Americans do not believe global warming will pose a serious threat within their lifetime, a new opinion poll has […]

Trump Signs Memo Ending “Catch And Release” For Illegal Aliens

The policy really should be “catch, detain, and deport” (Daily Caller) A memorandum signed by President Trump on Friday could be the beginning of the end for America’s longstanding “catch and release” policy at the border. The memo gives the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies 45 days to detail “all measures that their […]

Oregon Looks To Enact Gun Measures That Primarily Affect Law Abiding Citizens

Once again, Liberals are showing that their debate on gun control is dishonest (shocking, right?). They tell us that they want to lower shootings, and that they do not want to take guns from law abiding citizens, but then they keep pushing laws, rules, and regulations that go after the law abiding citizens, rather than […]

If All You See…

…is wine which will be grown in the Arctic due to Other People’s use of fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the Democrats midterm playbook wishes.

Search Engines Are Making Us More Raaaaacist Or Something

These people. Sigh How search engines are making us more racist Are search engines making us more racist? According to Safiya Umoja Noble, a professor of communication at the University of Southern California, the answer is almost certainly yes. Noble’s new book, Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, challenges the idea that search […]

Deerfield Sued For “Assault Weapons” And Magazine Ban Ban

Well, it didn’t take very long for the lawsuit to happen (Washington Times) Gun-rights advocates on Thursday sued an Illinois village over its new ban on military-style semiautomatic “assault” rifles and high capacity ammunition magazines, saying the ordinance not only stops purchases but could lead to confiscations. The ban passed by the Deerfield Village Board […]

Parents Of Kids Killed By Illegal Aliens Launch Ballot Initiative To End California’s Sanctuary State Status

Being a state that overwhelmingly votes Leftist, there’s a low chance that this would pass, but, then, who thought that the anti-gay marriage ballot initiative would have passed (which was, of course, thwarted by a Leftist judge) (Sacramento Bee) The parents of two young people killed by immigrants (no, they are illegal aliens) are leading […]

Let’s Go Devils

Oh Yeah! Absolutely no one picked the Devils to even get close to the Playoffs. Heck, even us fans thought this team was a year or so away.

Across Pennsylvania, 4 in 10 Registered Voters Have Literally Witnessed Bad Weather Or Something

Across Pa, 4 in 10 voters are dumbasses who should not be allowed to vote because they’re mindless drones Poll: Climate change causing problems for significant number of Pennsylvanians Across Pennsylvania, four in 10 registered voters say they have personally experienced problems related to climate change, according to a recent poll from StateImpact Pennsylvania and […]

Pirate's Cove