April 24, 2018 – 10:27 am
We should all be listening to someone who got famous for releasing a sex tape and takes lots and lots of fossil fueled trips, you know. But, this really shows the absurdity of the climate cult, when this is actually a thing Paris Hilton Solves Climate Change in 7 Words I love celebrity wisdom. It […]
April 24, 2018 – 7:15 am
This is a good thing. Brainwashed net neutrality supporters have been gnashing their teeth for months now, proclaiming future doom, despite the Internet having grown from the tiny thing with slow speeds and little content to the massive, fast, find anything you want behemoth it is now without these big government controlling type rules. There […]
April 24, 2018 – 6:52 am
Who’s also surprised that the Washington Post Editorial Board forgets to include an important bit of information? Why did the accused Waffle House shooter get back his guns? THERE WERE plenty of warning signs about Travis J. Reinking. He once told police that music superstar Taylor Swift was stalking him and hacking into his phone. Another time, […]
April 23, 2018 – 3:30 pm
Yes, I know droughting isn’t a word, but, then anthropogenic climate change is mostly not real, either California’s wild extremes of drought and floods to worsen as climate warms Over the past couple of years, California lurched from its worst drought ever to disastrous, record flooding. Now, a new study suggests the frequency of these rapid, year-to-year […]
April 23, 2018 – 1:00 pm
…is an awesome low carbon mode of transportation once the world is flooded next year, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on a woman being found guilty for posting rap lyrics on her Instagram.
April 23, 2018 – 10:30 am
It begs the question: which came first: the Special Snowflakes or the enablers of Special Snowflakes? Penn State’s 98-Year-Old Outing Club Is No Longer Allowed to Go Outside What’s more dangerous: rugby, or a walk in the woods? At Pennsylvania State University, the administrators apparently think it’s the latter. The student “Outing Club,” which has […]
April 23, 2018 – 7:39 am
It’s funny how Warmist solutions always seem to revolve around more and more Big Government controlling more and more of people’s lives, eh? Never things like “all Warmists should immediately give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral”. James Delingpole brings us (Breitbart) Beneath the warm cuddly exterior of […]
April 23, 2018 – 7:13 am
Well, of course they do. This is what they do (often while being protected by people who are armed themselves) (CNN) As police search for the gunman who killed four people at a Tennessee Waffle House, the mayor of Nashville is saying “enough is enough” and calling for stricter gun-control laws. “I know that we all […]
April 22, 2018 – 6:40 pm
And this was all with the permission and help of adults Hawaii students mark Honolulu’s streets to raise awareness about climate change State and community leaders, along with hundreds of Hawaii students, grabbed boxes of chalk and hit the streets on Saturday to raise awareness about climate change. Around 10 a.m. on Saturday Gov. David […]
April 22, 2018 – 1:00 pm
…is a desert inside of a flooded world, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on the worst Earth day predictions from 1970. It’s girls on the water week on IAYS.