Monthly Archives: April 2018

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, global warming delayed Spring is almost here. This pinup is by Vaughan Bass, with a wee bit of help. What’s happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Weasel Zippers covers forced indoctrination on the gender confused in California schools […]

The Hill: We Need Gun Grabbing Policies Because Of Raaaaacism

Over at The Hill, Frederick Staidum Jr., Ph.D has been given a platform to complain about gun ownership, and he sees everything in terms of raaaaacism and sex, because he’s a scholar of race and sexuality in 19th-century American culture and literature at Loyola University Chicago Gun control is all about gun violence — we […]

Governor Moonbeam: 3 Billion Will Die From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Remember, guys, this is all Serious Science. Trust us. We know what we’re doing. Our Science is sound. They’re totally Serious. Things Are Bad. We’re ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!! (CNS News) California Gov. Jerry Brown predicted that if carbon emissions aren’t reduced, billions of people will die from “heat events,” and one billion will be […]

If All You See…

…is a field soon to die from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Neo-neocon, with a post wondering how many federal crimes you’ve committed today.

Bummer: Americans Are All Talk, Little Action On ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

Really, this applies to the majority of Warmists throughout the 1st World AMERICANS ON CLIMATE CHANGE: ALL TALK, LITTLE ACTION Tim Whitley gets it; he really does. The founder of the environmental nonprofit Carbon Offsets to Alleviate Poverty (COTAP) is wary of coming off too preachy when it comes to reducing people’s carbon footprints. Whitley […]

Students Walked Out Of Class For Gun Grabbing, Learned All About Democracy Or Something

You can find stories from all over the country on the planned student walkout on Friday, which called for….restrictions on the Constitutional Rights of law abiding citizens, an amendment which was partially meant to protect the other Constitutional Rights as written in the other Amendments. Here’s an interesting article from San Antonio (MySA) For half […]

Big Win? North Korea Announces End To Nuclear And Missile Tests Ahead Of Summit

Peace through strength? All the elitist pundits stated we would be looking at nuclear war if Trump continued to argue and bloviate at North Korea and lead Kim Jong-un (and it was pretty interesting watching Kim respond on Twitter). Now (UK Guardian) North Korea has said it will end its tests of nuclear weapons and […]

Sore Losers: DNC Files Lawsuit Against Russia, Wikileaks, Trump For 2016 Election Loss

This is the Sore Loser Party being the embodiment of sore losers. They should just stand up and accept that they ran a bad candidate who wasn’t capable of running a campaign to beat Donald Trump, a guy who had never actually run a successful political campaign Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump […]

If All You See…

…is a world flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on another use of a vehicle as a weapon in Europe.

‘Climate Change’ Is Causing Heavy Snow Or Something

  Is there anything that disproves the Warmist assertion that a tiny increase in atmospheric CO2 causes Bad Weather? And impacts everything? How climate change is causing heavy snowfall Picture this: A snowstorm moves in and temperatures are just cold enough for all snow. What happens to that same storm if you add extra moisture […]

Pirate's Cove