Remember, hurricanes never happened before CO2 went over 350ppm. And this is the kind of junk science that outlets are pushing on teenagers, as the article is in Teen Vogue. Of course, few probably read it, because they’re there for the fashion and sex advice, not loopy junk science written by Agnes M. Torres Rivera
Hurricane Maria Made Me A Climate Change Refugee
Hurricane Maria changed my life overnight. The chaos and destruction of the storm, which made landfall on the island as a Category 4 storm in September 2017, changed the lives of millions of Puerto Ricans who call the island home. It forced thousands of people like myself to flee home and build a new life on the United States mainland. Upwards of 2,200 Puerto Ricans have been displaced to Connecticut post-Maria alone, including more than 1,800 children.
I left Puerto Rico in January to study as a visiting student at Trinity College in Hartford. After the hurricane, working towards my master’s degree in Puerto Rico was a challenge because the electricity and internet were not reliable. Coupled with the economic crisis that Puerto Rico is facing, living on the island seemed impossible.
Wait, she took a fossil fueled trip? Huh.
Since arriving in Hartford, I’ve connected with local organizations like Chispa Connecticut, an organizing program of the League of Conservation Voters, to meet with other displaced Puerto Ricans and plan the next steps in our lives. In doing so, I’ve realized that every person I’ve met who was forced to relocate has a similar story to share: of bravery and persistence, yes, but also of a forever-altered landscape and of communities, like mine, that are being torn apart by climate change. (snip through some stories)
There are thousands more Puerto Ricans who have stories just like these. The record-breaking rainfall, flooding, and destruction driven by Hurricane Maria — not to mention Hurricanes Harvey and Irma — is what climate change looks like. And, as sea levels continue to rise and air and water temperatures continue to warm, these storms are likely to worsen. Hurricane Maria showed us that we can’t afford to wait another day to fight back. We are climate change refugees, and our collective stories serve as a cautionary tale that government officials need to hear.
What they are deluded, brainwashed Victims. Because tons of people (primarily Leftists) seem to want to be a Victim these days. Just a couple decades ago, people talked about how strong they were, that they wouldn’t break, that they would rebuild. Now, they’re just whiners. When people went through other hurricanes, they got to work. Now they want Government to be their mommy and daddy and kiss their boo boo.

Probably ought to go to a country that doesn’t have hurricanes for asylum. I’m thinking Africa or central Asia.