Suddenly, at least where guns are concerned, Liberals are Very Concerned that people may use a firearm to take their own life. These are the same people who push for assisted suicide and yammer about “my body my choice.” But, let’s be realistic: there is a concern that some people who own a firearm could become a threat to themselves, and, more importantly, other people. So we get things like this
Most gun deaths are suicides. A bill now before Mass. Legislature could help prevent them
When we talk about gun violence these days, we picture madmen on rampages and gangs doing drive-bys. We conjure images of home invasions and random robberies gone wrong.
We talk about fear.
But most who die by gun violence are not killed by a mass murderer or a violent gang, and fear plays little part. Most gun deaths are suicides, and the person pulling the trigger is the victim. These shootings aren’t random or unpredictable or terrifying; quite the opposite. To those of us who have loved someone who has died by suicide, the loss feels frustratingly, painfully preventable.
That’s the familiar story that motivates Reed Shafer-Ray, a 22-year-old Harvard senior from Oklahoma who lost a close family friend to suicide in 2016. Shafer-Ray is one of the key advocates behind a bill, now making its way through the Legislature, that would give families a better chance to save the lives of their loved ones.
These “red flag†laws, also known as Extreme Risk Protective Orders, create a legal avenue by which families and law enforcement can take guns out of the hands of people who a court deems are dangerous to others or — more often — themselves.
Seems common sense, right? Not that they can’t kill themselves and others in some other fashion
In Massachusetts, police chiefs already have discretion over who can legally own a firearm. But depression can strike at any time, including affecting people who already own guns. At that point, depression can immediately turn deadly, and getting the gun away from someone in crisis can be lifesaving. The bill also provides for a quick decision from a judge and avenues for appeal.
“One of the reasons it’s so important is that it provides a channel for families,†said Jack Torres, a 16-year-old sophomore at Somerville High School. Torres is one of the founders of Students Against Gun Violence, which organized a phone campaign that recently inundated the State House — including the office of House Speaker Robert A, DeLeo. Last week, DeLeo announced his support, which should go a long way toward turning this bill into law.
The problem here is that the system is ripe for abuse, depending on how vague the laws end up being. Right now, there’s a lawsuit against the U of Michigan regarding their “bias” rules, in which we read “Under the University of Michigan’s rules, “the most sensitive student on campus effectively dictates the terms under which others may speak,†Speech First says” because “The existence of an offended party can be sufficient to prove “bias.— Yes, a judge is supposed to be involved in these red flag cases, but, how strong are the safeguards for those being accused?
And, given the Democrats hatred of guns (for Other People), should we be concerned that they’ll use the red flag laws to restrict ownership rights for law abiding citizens over minor things? Democrats have already stated that they’ll use laws to do so, and have done so. And that each law passed is a small step towards overall bans.

It’s kind of obvious that no one needs a law to be able to do this, and a law is totally unenforceable.
The friends don’t let friends drive drunk campaign is just like this, but without law behind it. “take the keys away” became a common practice. If you have a suicidal friend, you can already ask to hang onto their guns for them. If you are close to them, you can even insist. Those lonely guys with no friends aren’t going to benefit from a protective order against themselves anyway.
Good thing progressives and libs don’t own guns…they were severely depressed the day after the 2016 election…..