Remember how the media said the same thing about Obama while he slapped sanctions on Syria and made all sorts of threats himself and had his people do the same at the U.M.? Oh, wait. Here’s NY Times editorial cartoonist with his hot take
President Trump’s decision to abandon the Iran nuclear deal and his Iran policy reminded some current and former U.S. officials of the buildup to the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Sigh. That link leads to a NY Times article that manages to show Trump Derangement Syndrome and the typical Iraq war derangement
Trump’s Iran Move Reminds Some of Run-Up to Iraq War
Fifteen years after invading Iraq over weapons of mass destruction and ties to al Qaeda that both proved non-existent, the United States is again steering toward a possible confrontation with a Middle East power for suspected work on nuclear weapons and support for terrorism.
U.S. President Donald Trump’s Iran policy sounds hauntingly familiar to some current and former U.S. officials who witnessed the buildup to the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, where sectarian and ethnic fractures and some 5,000 U.S. troops still remain.
More than 4,400 U.S. troops and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died in the conflict, which many analysts have called one of the major U.S. foreign policy debacles of modern times.
“There are disturbing and eerie similarities” in the misuse of intelligence then and now, said Paul Pillar, who was the top U.S. intelligence analyst for the Middle East from 2001 to 2005.
I’m not going to bother relitigating the reasons for the Iraq War, despite the Times getting it wrong. Been there, done that.
And the other people who said it reminded them of the runup to Iraq are…..wait, that’s it. Mr. Pillar and the NY Times writers are it. And the rest of the screed is why Iran is not like Iraq, while still being TDS.

tRump has even claimed that the Iraq invasion and occupation was a catastrophe (he hated it after he supported it).
Anyway, his mindless actions will make it MORE likely that Iran will develop nuclear weapons, but will give him an excuse for a war, just as Bush/Cheney used their false reasons for their subsequent election campaign. (Karl Rove: “We need a war”.)
Ginning up a war with Iran moves Cohen, Novartis, Russian oligarchs, pay-to-play, Stormy and indictments to the background.
It’s Republicanism 101.
As always the nignorant angry little black fella exhibits his own unique form of a delusional disorder.
Paranoid much, little guy?
Total BS, J. Giving a terrorist-sponsoring country billions in cash while we basically look the other way makes it less likely they’ll try to build nuclear weapons, instead of giving them nothing and imposing sanctions? Got it.