…is a sea that will soon rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Last Tradition, with a post on the sham Starbucks training day.

…is a sea that will soon rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Last Tradition, with a post on the sham Starbucks training day.
America’s right wing authoritarians just got a new racist ranter! ABC canceled the most popular “Roseanne” just because the star twitted a racist comment. We though POS had “normalized” all racist, KKK, neoNazi etc behavior. Seems like POS still has work to do desensitizing America to public hatred. He’s the creature for the job.
Maybe POS can punish ABC for mutiny.
Don’t you have a question to answer, oh nignorant one?
Why do you keep running away?
OMG-I had no idea libs were such hypocrites….https://twitter.com/mitchellvii/status/1001547107831111686?s=21
Ya think?
Besides being a liar are you a coward too?
Maybe, but I volunteered. Did you, pussy peckerwood?
We’ve found all peckerwoods as individuals to be cowards. They usually run in packs and pick on the weak. Peckerwoods are scared to death of Black men.
Volunteered but didn’t serve, huh tough guy?
So obviously the cowardly nignorant angry little black fella didn’t enlist but he, uh, volunteered.
How does that work?
Maybe we’re finally getting somewhere.
On a happier note, the corrupt, abusive, adulterous, GOP Governor of Missouri resigned today amid his multiple corruption charges. Even the Republican AG, House and Senate turned against this dick who ran as a family values candidate. Sounds a lot like your POS in the White House.
At least he served his country honorably as a Navy Seal.
How did you serve your country again,oh nignorant one?
Oh, that’s right you heroically volunteered, wink wink.
And then cheated on his wife by assaulting his hairdresser while running for office as a family values Republican. Typical. Illegally took a donor list to help fund his campaign. Good riddance to this GOPher scum. We’re sure he’ll turn up as a GOP presidential candidate. Faux patriots like you get aroused by real men.
Did you volunteer or did you let others die in your stead?
Oh, looky here, the lying cowardly nignorant angry little black fella who
claimed that he heroically (wink, wink)volunteered for the Army in 1971 “during the Vietnam war, ya know” (BUT, didn’t actually serve for some mysterious reason that he is, well, just too embarrassed or ashamed to discuss AND allowed others to die in his place) passing judgement on a man who actually did honorably serve his country as a Navy SEAL.
So noble of you, little guy.

You must feel so proud.
Passing judgement on an abuser and corrupt official who cheated to win? You betcha. He was filming commercials showing him walking down the street with his wife and child in a stroller, while tying up his mistress and beating her, then threatening her if she talked. So noble of him. He must feel so proud.
Do you really believe that Seals can do anything they want?
It’s sad that “guys” like you excuse sexual assault and corruption in your officials. How noble. You must be so proud.
But then your “president” is an abuser and a corrupt official.
We had thought that tRump had normalized sexual assault and racism, but the abusive Greitens was forced out for assault (by his own party), and the vile Roseanne fired by ABC for a racist tweet. But maybe there’s still hope.
Says the guy who defended the Clintons, and support Obama.
This is not a contest. We can say that people are lousy people no matter what their party. You, on the other hand, seem to think that only conservatives are corrupt and the liberals caught in the MrToo movement are saints.
You can judge whomever you want.
You just don’t have the moral character and standing to be taken seriously when you do.
All you have is hate.
Pretty clearly Greitens cut a deal with the prosecutor on his campaign shenanigans. They pulled the charges and Greitens resigned.
The world was Greitens’ oyster – decorated Navy Seal, best-selling author, great-looking family, loaded to the gills with family values! – but hubris brought him down. He decided to be a tRump-level dick to the Republicans in control of the House and Senate here. Mocking them, challenging them etc etc.
Earlier he had decided to tie-up, sexually/physically abuse his mistress and threaten her, and she apparently was unhappy with the turn of events. The truly conservative Republicans (what you would call RINOs) of Missouri were appalled when this came to light from the liberal media. They were preparing 5 articles of impeachment against this embarrassing public “servant”.
Missouri’s AG, Republican Josh Hawley, is running against Senator McCaskill. Greitens miscalculated Missourians’ tolerance for sexual abuse and adultery, but Hawley did not. He also went after Greitens, perhaps a bit self-serving, but still the right thing to do. McCaskill has held several dozen town hall meetings in deep red parts of MO, but Hawley is a good candidate.
Ya think?
from Field Negro:
Nice cut and paste job from the nignorant angry little black fella (aka House Negro).
Yesterday may have revealed that the cloistered white nationalist movement might be moving too fast for decent America. tRump and his lemmings have been trying to “normalize” racism the past couple of years but decent America may be pushing back. See ya in November.