No. One of the things leftists have been going hog wild over the past few days in regards to illegal immigration (also on kids in cages and prison bus for toddlers, both of which happened under Obama, but they still tried to Blame Trump) is Trump losing 1,500 illegal alien kids, which Is The Worst Thing Ever!!!!!!. In Liberal World, it’s 20 times worse than something like running over 2,500 guns, losing them, and having them be implicated in the shootings up to death of Mexicans, Mexican kids, and US Border Patrol agents. Surprisingly, the NY Times actually pours cold water on this (but, Monday was a holiday, so an actual reporter, probably an intern, did Journalism)
Did the Trump Administration Separate Immigrant Children From Parents and Lose Them?
President Trump over the weekend falsely blamed Democrats for a “horrible law†separating immigrant children from their parents. In fact, his own administration had just announced this policy earlier this month.
His comments followed days of growing alarm that federal authorities have lost track of more than 1,000 immigrant children, mostly from Central America, giving rise to hashtags like #WhereAreTheChildren and claims that children are being ripped from their parents’ arms at the border and then being lost.
But the president is not the only one spreading wrong information. Across social media, there have been confusing reports of what happened to these immigrant children. Here are some answers.
Did the Trump administration separate nearly 1,500 immigrant children from their parents at the border, and then lose track of them?
No. The government did realize last year that it lost track of 1,475 migrant children it had placed with sponsors in the United States, according to testimony before a Senate subcommittee last month. But those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data.
So, not ripping them from their mother’s breast and placing them with utter strangers and stuff? Huh.
Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees refugee resettlement, began making calls last year to determine what had happened to 7,635 children the government had helped place between last October and the end of the year.
From these calls, officials learned that 6,075 children remained with their sponsors. Twenty-eight had run away, five had been removed from the United States and 52 had relocated to live with a nonsponsor. The rest were unaccounted for, giving rise to the 1,475 number. It is possible that some of the adult sponsors simply chose not to respond to the agency.
Surprise! People not responding to calls. Weird, eh? How many calls do you blow off? One has to wonder how many were just bad numbers.
But, wait, it gets better
Losing track of children who arrive at the border alone is not a new phenomenon. A 2016 inspector general report showed that the federal government was able to reach only 84 percent of children it had placed, leaving 4,159 unaccounted for.
So this happened under Obama, and there was no freakout from the Credentialed Media nor Democrats. Anyhow
Fancy THAT! This puts the Left's selective outrage over immigrants in DAMNING perspective
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 28, 2018
That’s a good thread to read.