…is a forest that shall soon die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the American Biased Broadcasting Company.

…is a forest that shall soon die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the American Biased Broadcasting Company.
Big baby goes WAAAAAAH!
Well he does have a legitimate point about ABC’s double standard.
Ms. Barr made a specific tweet that got her show canned. Does Mr. Trump have a specific complaint? Maybe David Kay Johnson said Trump was associated with mobsters?
It kind of comes across as whining. And again he does not criticize a blatant racist remark from a celebrity supporter. And of course he won’t, as his base agrees with the racist taunts.
Speak to us of whining, nignorant angry little black fella.

Yep Several legitimate complaints in fact that show the hypocrisy of the left:
The irony here is that you are trying to slam Trump for not criticizing a racist tweet, yet you make racist comments on this blog almost every day.
Which is worse, Jeffery? Not criticizing a racist tweet? Or being a racist like yourself.
Once again, because all the left has is hate, you’ll refuse to see the hypocrisy in your statements and actions.
We slammed Trump for whining. He is, after all, President of these United States. As even FOX noted, he should have let this pass. He is so thin-skinned he makes everything about himself.
You may not like it, but calling Black folks apes or monkeys is still not acceptable in decent America. Criticizing a President is not the same as mocking race. Sorry, that’s just how it is.
CNN fired Kathy Griffin. Her tour was cancelled at every venue. She is banned from The View.
Behar called Pence to apologize and even used The View to apologize to all Christians for her vile comments.
Olbermann used the F word directed at Trump. Big deal.
I guess someone hacked into your comment and wrote the above.
I apologize for attributing what you wrote to you.
Please go back and read where I said it was acceptable. Project much?
Secondly, given your racist comments on this blog, you are the last person one should take seriously on what is “acceptable in decent America.”
Factually false. CNN cancelled her from one event and she has appeared on CNN since then. She is still working comedy venues. She was banned from the View for a joke she made about Walters. Furthermore, what has gotten little play is that Griffen retracted her apology to the Trumps in 2017 which means her origianal “apology” was not truthful.
In fact, just tonight this happened:
Is it your opinion that Griffin’s actions and words are what normal people consider “appropriate in decent America?”
Once again, we see the double standard that you are trying to claim is acceptable “in decent America.” It is not.
Yet Behr still has a job, doesn’t she? Was she even taken off the View? Barr apologized. Shouldn’t she get her show back? If all it takes for the left to forgive someone is a phone call and an apology, (which Barr has done,) all is right now, correct?
Once again, please learn to read. Olberman did much more than that. We both know that you are going to support his comments which just goes to show your hypocrisy and that you have no idea or clue as to what is “acceptable in decent America.”
Face it, Jeffery. The hatred of the left is so all consuming that you can’t or won’t see the hypocrisy in your own actions and thoughts.
All the left has is hate.
We do understand why tRump and his lemmings want to change the narrative away from the specifics of Ms. Barr’s actions. We do.
tRump is not ideological like David Duke, he is transactional. He likely cares little about race but recognized (as any good con man would) that he could tap the largely white, largely Christian, largely conservative, largely undereducated masses and lead them.
You may not like it, but calling Black folks apes or monkeys is not acceptable. It is a greater “sin” than using “f**K” when describing a president. You may not like it, but that’s the way it is.
We do understand that most conservatives consider racism just another thing.
What was that thing about whining again, oh nignorant one?

Every Lefty on the web has made this comment.
I know you guys can’t think for yourselves, but do you really like telling the whole world?
Someone call the doctor. Liberal heads are exploding all over the place:
Since Jeffery obviously doesn’t like girls, let me say if she’s one of the new Rangers, 4th, 5th, and 6th battalions should be stood up by the end of June.
TV folks fired from their shows:
Isaiah Washington (Grey’s Anatomy) for using a gay slur
Kevin Spacey (House of Cards) for sexual misconduct
Charlie Sheen (Two and a Half Men) for being nuts
Nicolette Sheridan (Desperate Housewives) reportedly in retaliation for complaining about creator
Thomas Gibson (Criminal Minds) for anger issues
Shannon Doherty (Beverly Hills 90210) for anger issues
Leah Remini (The Talk) for temper
Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear, (british)) for racial slurs and physical altercations
Danny Masterson (70s Show and The Ranch) for sexual misconduct allegations
Selma Blair (Anger Management) because she criticized co-star Charlie Sheen
Lisa Bonet (Cosby Show and A Different World) because she got pregnant
And Roseanne for racial slurs -she blamed Ambien (Ambien manufacturer Sanofi said: While all pharmaceuticals have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.)
List of people Jeffery did not comment upon nor criticized for their behavior:
Isaiah Washington
Kevin Spacey
Charlie Sheen
Nicolette Sheridan
Thomas Gibson
Shannon Doherty
Leah Remini
Jeremy Clarkson
Danny Masterson
Selma Blair
Lisa Bonet
People Jeffery has criticized for their behaviour and conduct:
Any conservative
Rosanne Barr
Donald Trump.
The hate is so great that Jeffery can’t even see the hypocrisy in his own words and actions. Heck, he won’t even defend the hacking / editing of his post that must have taken place because otherwise, he is caught in another lie.
All the left has is hate, and we have been able to see how that hate has eaten the left alive.
The American Spectator shows the hypocrisy of the left’s outrage saying, in part about the Barr tweet:
There are too many embedded links at the source article to pass the filters here, but once again, where is the left’s outrage when one of their own hate filled people are racists?
All the left has is hate and they are incapable of seeing how their hatred makes them incapable of having an actual conversation where they have to look at their own racist words and actions.
It is not apparent that Jarrett is black, so Rosanne did not have intent to harm a black person, thus following the law according to Hillary, she is guilty of nothing.
Obviously you don’t understand anything because no one is trying to change the narrative away from Barr. Conservatives have the ability that the left seems to be lacking. We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
We can be upset and condemn Barr’s comments and also acknowledge that the President has a valid point.
You can’t find one comment in this thread where people have supported Barr’s statement. Not a one. So your whining here is fantasy and a lie.
Take a look at the employment of minorities as compared to when Obama was in the Oval Office. Then tell us who cares more about minorities.
Face it Jeffery, your view and the left’s view of race based politics is failing and anyone with half a brain can see it. Seeing the value of people regardless of race is working and you and your fellow hate filled leftists cant’s stand it.
Once again, you pull out the false narrative. No one is defending Barr for her comments. You won’t find a single person her doing that. Your defense of Olberman is a deflection of what he actually said. Apparently you agree with him because just the other day on this blog you likened ICE / Homeland Security’s enforcement of law to Nazi’s rounding up Jews in order to put them into death camps.
Comparing a President enforcing legally enacted laws makes him comparable to killers of 6 million Jews. Wanna bet how offensive that is to an entire group of people?
Barr’s comment was wrong.
Trump’s point was spot on.
Your defense of your comments is pathetic.
We take racism more seriously than racists do, that is for certain. Your comments here demonstrate that. Over the past weeks we have seen people in the news making claims against the police for racist actions that were later proven by dash cams to be false. Where is your condemnation of those false allegations?
Tell us all, Jeffery, if racism is horrible, isn’t the left’s support of false claims equally as bad, if not worse as it drags resources away from actual racist events?
We all get that you throw the racism card around trying to cover people with your own hatred and using slander and lies to do it.
You then want to tell people what is “appropriate in decent America.”
The all consuming hatred of the left is not appropriate in this country, yet that is all they have.