Two articles of interest on the issue of gun grabbing. Let’s start with this one, where the gun grabbers have earned the backing of a high ranking Islamist and terrorist enabler
Ayatollah Khamenei Calls for Gun Control—in the U.S.
Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has released a statement calling on the United Nations to “seriously†pursue seven “human rights†cases in the United States. One of these is what Khamenei perceives as the need for gun control.
“Another case which the UN should definitely pursue is the freedom of selling guns in the US with which so many crimes are being committed,†Khamenei said in a statement published today.
“You hear and witness that every day in schools, in universities, in markets, and on the street that a teenager, a man, or a woman fires a volley of bullets at some people because of some problem they have–they are extremely angry, or they are mad and have some personal problems,†Khamenei said.
“They kill eight, ten, twenty–more or less–people, and families mourn the loss of their dear ones,†Khamenei continued. “Why do they not stop this? The reason is that gun companies prevent this, and the US administrations are under the influence of these companies. This is a very important issue which should be addressed and pursued by the UN.â€
This is who you have on your side now, gun grabbers, much like you had Osama Bin Laden joining your Cult of Climastrology. Will you embrace him?
On to women
Women Should Be at Vanguard of the Gun-Control Movement
The mass shooting at a school in Texas on May 18 brought renewed calls for stricter gun-control laws. This focus should include another, less-visible, aspect of the crisis: The killing by firearms of hundreds of women each year by their intimate partners.
It’s clear that gun control is a women’s issue. Of the 39,000 gun deaths in America In 2016, 456 were from mass shootings. But, on average, more than 561 women are killed by these weapons each year by their husbands, ex-husbands, common-law husbands or boyfriends, according to the Associated Press. (snip)
That’s why they should be at the forefront of the campaign intensified by the recent spate of mass killings. A new movement could further empower successful groups such as Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a grassroots organization founded after the shootings at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, that is active in 50 states and has representatives in every state capitol. (Moms Demand also gained the support of Bloomberg LP founder Michael Bloomberg.)
In other words, women, who are often more at risk, should advocate for their 2nd Amendment Right to be stripped away, leaving them defenseless.
Male (and female) politicians who don’t support and advocate for gun reform should be similarly publicly shamed. One of the most effective ways to change behavior is to make it socially unacceptable. In “The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen,†Kwame Anthony Appiah credits shaming with helping end other odious practices against women around the world, like foot-binding in China and honor killings in Pakistan.
But, honor killings still happen in Pakistan, and throughout the world by Islamists. Anyhow, lawmakers are supposed to be shamed for….upholding their oaths to support and defend the Constitution, and women are supposed to be at the forefront of making sure they themselves cannot get a firearm to protect themselves from the criminals who do not follow the law.

Well. I have been totally against gun control all my life, but now that I know the Ayatollah wants it, I’m rethinking. If the Pope and the Dali Lama sign up too, I’m on board. Nothing makes me want to give up my American civil rights guarantees like the opinions of foreigners. And nothing makes me want to give up my God given rights like the opinions of people who don’t worship the same god (like atheists).