Monthly Archives: May 2018

Hotcoldwetdry Could Maybe Possibly Be Worse Than We Think Or Something

It’s always doom with these people over a tiny 1.4F increase in global temperatures since 1850 Harvard Scientist: Climate Change May Be Worse Than We Think Daniel Schrag’s professional credentials are impressive: He’s the director of the Center for the Environment at Harvard University where he’s a professor of environmental science and engineering. At Harvard’s […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post on the Obama/Kerry legacy.

Most Environmentally Friendly State In Nation Rolls Back Solar Subsidies

Because electricity costs are going up (Daily Caller) Following a growing number of states, Vermont has chosen to reduce compensation given to solar panel owners and allow a more fair rate for all electricity customers in the state. Vermont is scaling back the amount of money given to customers participating in the state’s net metering program. […]

Red Flag Laws Popping Up All Over: Should There Be A Concern?

Suddenly, at least where guns are concerned, Liberals are Very Concerned that people may use a firearm to take their own life. These are the same people who push for assisted suicide and yammer about “my body my choice.” But, let’s be realistic: there is a concern that some people who own a firearm could […]

Trump Pulls Out Of Iran Deal, Isolating America From Europe Or Something

What’s left of Mr. Obama’s legacy at this point? Bad deal after bad deal has been scuttled by President Trump. This NY Times article has had the headline changed at least 3 times, originally being about concern over America losing credibility in Europe Trump Abandons Iran Nuclear Deal He Long Scorned President Trump declared on […]

Person Goes Through Hurricane, Declares Self “Climate Refugee”

Remember, hurricanes never happened before CO2 went over 350ppm. And this is the kind of junk science that outlets are pushing on teenagers, as the article is in Teen Vogue. Of course, few probably read it, because they’re there for the fashion and sex advice, not loopy junk science written by Agnes M. Torres Rivera […]

If All You See…

…is carbon pollution making the sky look grey, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post noting the application of the law depends on your political views.

UN: “Climate Change (scam) is the single biggest threat to life, security and prosperity on Earth” Or Something

Keep beating that dead horse, people who have outsized carbon footprints from living the good life and taking long fossil fueled trips to climate change conferences (Breitbart) The United Nations Climate Change Secretariat released its first ever annual report this week, in which it held up its “Gender Action Plan” as a key to increasing […]

Kamala Harris Backs Striking Public Sector Workers Over Graduating Kids, People In Need Of Medical Service

Overall, though, this is less about Kamala, who is considered a leading contender to run for the Democratic Party nomination for president in 2020, and more about why public sector unions should be abolished Sen. Kamala Harris backs out of commencement speech at UC Berkeley U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., is heeding a boycott call […]

Everyone’s Saying Trump Will Pull Out Of Iran Deal, So, He’s Most Likely Staying In

Look, as stated many, many times, the Iran deal is a bad deal. America really gets little out of it. It is a one sided deal, brokered by people who do not understand how to conduct a win-win negotiation. So, what will happen? Here’s the Washington Post front page headline and sub-head blurb Trump expected […]

Pirate's Cove