May 3, 2018 – 2:14 pm
You’re killing us, dude, for refusing to stop eating meat A Temperature Roller Coaster Could Be Coming New research suggests that global warming could cause temperature swings to get unusually extreme. And the regions where the biggest swings will occur are among the poorest in the world — and the least responsible for the greenhouse […]
May 3, 2018 – 1:00 pm
…is a horrible fossil fueled airplane, only allowed to move climate change believers to conferences, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Powers That Be, with a post on Dick’s hiring anti-gun lobbyists.
May 3, 2018 – 7:43 am
Interestingly, Brown is also a big fan of security for his casa Homeless man breaks into California governor’s residence, says he’s an ‘open-door policy kind of guy’ A homeless man who was arrested last month after breaking into California Gov. Jerry Brown’s home in Sacramento reportedly said he only tried entering the mansion because he […]
May 3, 2018 – 7:25 am
Exactly what does America get out of the Iran deal? Sure, there are a few things, like not having to go to war and stopping Iran (on paper) from developing nuclear weapons for a time, which are both issues created because Iran is run by despicable people. A few companies, such as Boeing, get to […]
May 2, 2018 – 3:08 pm
I’ve said it before and I’ll say…ok, write…it again: the greenie weenies are great with alternative energy in principle, but not in action (Daily Caller) Environmentalists in New England are voicing concern over a proposal that would provide an abundance of clean hydropower, hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars in revenue every year. Charlie […]
May 2, 2018 – 1:00 pm
…is horrible asphalt used for fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on the NY Times wishing Karl Marx a happy birthday.
May 2, 2018 – 11:03 am
Further reinforcement that this whole thing has little to do with science, and everything to do with far left Progressive (nice Fascism) policies Science can’t solve climate change — better politics can, former IPCC scientist says It’s not every day you hear that the climate change debate needs to be “more political and less scientific” […]
May 2, 2018 – 8:45 am
The thing about Peak 2018 is that there is no longer a peak: it’s just one short jump from one Everest sized peak to the next by the SJWs/virtue signalers. Everything is The Worst in their world, and they have to let everyone know that they’re Offended and Outraged, and they expect you to jump […]
May 2, 2018 – 8:22 am
This is what passes for “journalism”: asking some Trump supporters about Stormy Daniels Trump voters think he’s lying about Stormy Daniels. And no, they don’t really care. Yes, they think President Trump’s lying about Stormy Daniels. And no, they really do not care. Americans who voted for the president say they don’t believe his denial […]
May 1, 2018 – 2:59 pm
Funny how this all boils down to ever increasing Big Government, eh? New study makes the case for supply-side climate change policies A pair of economists, Fergus Green of the London School of Economics, and Richard Denniss of the Australia Institute have published an interesting paper that attempts to integrate and synthesize the economic and political attributes […]