Monthly Archives: May 2018

If All You See…

…are wonderful trees soon to die off from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on Berkeley considering stripping funds from College Republicans.

Cult of Climastrology Is Powered By Child Labor In Africa

The Cult of Climastrology keeps saying that ‘climate change’ harms women, children, the poor, and minorities the most Al Gore warns worst of climate change will be felt by black and poor people Climate change ‘impacts women more than men’ Children’s health is disproportionately affected by climate change How Cities Can Protect Poor People and […]

NJ Considers Raising Age To Buy Rifles And Shotguns

Repeat after me: “Democrats are totally not looking to take away people’s Rights to purchase firearms, we just want to make it more difficult for Bad people to get firearms” Lawmakers want to raise age to buy rifles, shotguns in N.J. You may soon be barred from legally buying a rifle or shotgun in New Jersey […]

Surprise: Iran Lied About Their Nuclear Program

This is shocking news, shocking. Though it is interesting how the NY Times puts it, in that “Israel says”, as opposed to tens of thousands of documents say Israel Says Secret Files Prove Iran Lied About Nuclear Program Revealing a huge archive of stolen Iranian nuclear plans, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accused Iran […]

Pirate's Cove