Monthly Archives: May 2018

Green On Green: Warmists Sue European Union Over ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

You can bet that members of the EU parliament were giddy when lawsuits were filed against the U.S. government by children over ‘climate change’, even though this was originally against Obama. And giddy over the suits against all the fossil fuels companies over the past 6 months. And how some liberal states were going after […]

Red Flag Laws: Everyone’s Getting Accusatory

So, yesterday this article was available at the Raleigh News and Observer A boy’s parents said a day care worker dragged him into a classroom. Video told another story. A preschool teacher no longer faces a criminal charge after video from a day care center failed to back up a story from the boy’s parents […]

Worried About ‘Climate Change’? Investing In Abortion On Demand Must Be Part Of The Solution

Any time Progressives/Leftists/Marxists/Etc start yammering on about “reproductive health”, they may mention some things, but what they really mean at the base root is abortion and limiting black, brown, and Oriental people in 3rd world nations Worried About Climate Change? Investing in Reproductive Health Must Be Part of the Solution By investing in family planning […]

If All You See…

…is a horrendous evil gun caused by tiny increases in heat making everyone more warlike, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Powers That Be, with a post on a serious, serious whopper from James Clapper.

Antibiotic Resistance Latest Thing To Be Blamed On ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

All because you refuse to give up your fossil fueled vehicle, cheeseburgers, and air conditioning in favor of going vegan, living in a big (crime filled city), and paying massive taxes to The Government Climate change could be driving antibiotic resistance across the US, study warns Climate change is wreaking havoc across the globe – […]

New York Rhode Island, Look To Pass Red Flag Laws

On the surface, things like this look just fine. Pro-2nd Amendment advocates are fine with keeping firearms out of the hands of people who might well use them for crimes. But, there’s a bit of a problem (NY Post) A bill that would allow police and prosecutors to confiscate weapons from people deemed a danger […]

ICE Director Knocks Down Idiot Democrats Talking Points About Being “Anti-Immigrant”

Democrats love to cast accusations again people who are doing one thing (Daily Wire) During a House Homeland Security subcommittee hearing on Central American migration and border security, Rep. Nanette Barragan (D-Ca) went on a rant accusing ICE of having an “anti-immigrant” agenda. “Now we love to talk about this issue about the MS-13 gangs, […]

Iran Wants Their Sweet, Sweet Climate Cash

Few countries seem to be actually doing something to uphold their commitments, and others just want their redistributed money (via Watts Up With That?) Is Iran pulling out of Paris Agreement? Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif signed the Paris Agreement on climate change during a ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in New York, April […]

If All You See…

…is carbon pollution making pictures slightly blurry, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post on the mentally deficient ramblings of a woman who just can’t move on.

Hundreds Turn Out To Protest….Being Called Out For Grilling In Wrong Section

I’ve covered this in a couple posts, and it’s a very simple concept: parks establish specific areas to grill out for a variety of reasons. And when you’re talking about uber-greenie weenies, Progressive, government loving California, of course someone is going to call the cops. And we and up with raaaaacism Hundreds in Oakland Turn […]

Pirate's Cove