May 19, 2018 – 4:08 pm
I don’t think Mother Jones considered this when they reprinted a Slate screed A $50,000-a-Night Underwater Hotel Room in the Maldives Shows How Oblivious We Are to Climate Change In a tiny nation that will likely be underwater due to sea level rise within the next century, an American luxury hotel chain is constructing an […]
May 19, 2018 – 1:00 pm
…is a horrendous fossil fueled machine causing tectonic action, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post wondering what would happen if a GOP admin sicced the CIA and FBI on a political opponent. Ideas for next week’s theme?
May 19, 2018 – 10:30 am
So, we had a big hurricane year in 2017, meaning it’s time for the Dire Prognostications Of Doom to sally forth Record Heat Means Hurricanes Gain Ferocity Faster Hurricanes are becoming more violent, more rapidly, than they did 30 years ago. The cause may be entirely natural, scientists say. But Hurricane Harvey, which in 2017 assaulted the Gulf […]
May 19, 2018 – 8:04 am
And this is how it works: a leading media outlet manufactures some sort of Outrage, in this case the utterly out of context “animals” quote. They then correct, or sorta correct, the “mistake”, meaning they got caught. But, by that point, they’ve gotten their mistake into the leftist talking points, and the leftists run wild. […]
May 19, 2018 – 7:42 am
This is pretty much expected out of the NY Times which is itself protected by armed security, and seems to be a reprint of an article they ran on February 15th, with a few changes How Congress Has Dithered as the Innocent Get Shot Once again, Americans are facing a tragedy involving guns. This time, […]
May 18, 2018 – 4:50 pm
It’s all your fault, for driving a fossil fueled vehicle, eating cheeseburgers (double cow badness), and not setting your AC to 85 Holding global warming to 2.75 degrees Fahrenheit saves most species The world’s nations can protect the vast majority of plant and animal species from climate change by limiting global warming to 2.7 degrees […]
May 18, 2018 – 1:00 pm
…is a sea that is totally rising dozens of feet, you might just be a Warist The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on yet another fake racist accusation against a police officer.
May 18, 2018 – 10:16 am
But, then, everything is bad for ‘climate change’, even if it causes nice, pleasant days which are good for taking someone out for a nice lunch just to say “thank you for being you” The first peer-reviewed study of bitcoin’s energy consumption confirms our fears: Bitcoin’s energy consumption is growing at 20% *per month* and […]
May 18, 2018 – 7:12 am
The day after the NY Times utterly took President Trump out of context (which led to many, many, many leftist media outlets, personalities, and elected Democrats to follow suit) regarding his MS-13 are animals remark, the NY Times is doubling down on their #TDS Trump Defends ‘Animals’ Remark, Saying It Referred to MS-13 Gang Members […]
May 18, 2018 – 6:57 am
Once again, we see that the object of gun control from the gun grabbers is not to go after those who use firearms in an unlawful manner, but to make it more difficult for lawful gun owners Washington: NRA Files Legal Challenge Against Misleading Ballot Title for Gun Control Initiative Yesterday, NRA filed a legal […]