May 17, 2018 – 4:34 pm
Unsurprisingly, the ‘climate change’ conference seems to be more of a hotbed of Progressive (nice Fascism) bloviating McKenna rallies G7 women ‘kicking it’ on climate change as tax watchdog laments gas levies As the countdown to next month’s G7 summit in Charlevoix continues, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna is bringing “women climate leaders†from around the […]
May 17, 2018 – 1:00 pm
…is carbon pollution created rain in a desert, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Gay Patriot, with a post noting the latest nanny statism in England.
May 17, 2018 – 10:38 am
The BBC thinks it’s on to something How the rich fuel climate change From private jets to overspending, the planet’s wealthiest may be contributing the most to its changing climate, an Oxford professor argues. Income inequality is one of the most significant challenges we face in the 21st Century. But one professor argues that it […]
May 17, 2018 – 8:25 am
This is utterly horrible, people! The Root is all over it White Woman Calls Security on ‘Suspicious Man With a Baby’ at Park in Washington, DC Well, it looks like the epidemic of well-meaning white folks (I guess) calling the police or security on black people as they go about their lives is par for […]
May 17, 2018 – 8:05 am
I mentioned the other day that the City of Boulder, Colorado, was looking to do this, and now they have passed it, and we can see the final legislation, and it’s worse than the news articles realize (Fox News) The Boulder City Council unanimously passed a sweeping gun control ordinance Tuesday night banning “assault weapons” […]
May 16, 2018 – 3:45 pm
Warmists are very upset that Other People would use air conditioning, especially those icky “minorities” Global Warming: Air Conditioners Are Bad For The Climate It’s a real vicious circle. The hotter it gets, the more air conditioners we use… and the more air conditioners we use, the hotter it gets. Because yes, air conditioners refresh […]
May 16, 2018 – 1:00 pm
…is horrible road used for fossil fueled vehicles which put out plant killing carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Free North Carolina, with a post on some myths ahead of the silly teacher’s marches here in NC. Hump Day! As always, you can discuss whatever you want […]
May 16, 2018 – 10:20 am
I’m not sure if The Seattle Times’ Froma Harrop, or whomever wrote the headline, considered that it positions the whole anthropogenic climate change movement for what it is: pseudo religious. A cult California keeps the faith on climate Many on the right insist that California’s tough environmental rules are strangling its businesses. Evidence to the […]
May 16, 2018 – 8:15 am
Pro-2nd Amendment advocates keep saying that what the anti-2nd Amendment folks want to do is essentially disarm law abiding citizens. The Anti’s say “no, no, what we want to do is make it harder for Bad People to get and use firearms. We don’t want to take away the rights from law abiding citizens.” Then […]
May 16, 2018 – 7:43 am
The Washington Post Editorial Board goes through some serious mental gymnastics here. First off, they start off really well, noting that it is Hamas that started the violence, which is the norm. Then, it degenerates badly, as you can see from the headline (which has changed at least twice between when it was published and […]